Dennis Waterman
Don't Panic, Just Hire
2 min readSep 20, 2016


“My dad taught me that it’s the loudest man that stands proudest amongst the rest” — Geoff Bezos

When hiring employees, my very first question is always the same;

“Why do you even want to work for a living? Surely you could just scrounge off the state?”

To this day I’ve never received a satisfactory answer to this question. And there’s one big reason why:

Celebrities like Jim Carey, Kim Kardashian and Tom Hanks all have one thing in common. They, like me, made a totally reckless decision 12 years ago. I sold my house, traded in my sportscar and divorced my wife, all so I could focus on one thing- InsightHub.

Still from our hugely successful introductory video -Dennis Waterman

Our company began to grow and before I knew it I had 25+ employees and offices in London and Toronto. We were doing great but then came ‘Starving Season’ and I had to fire the majority of them to keep the company afloat.

How did I decide which ones to fire? Easy. The Introverts.

I needed my few remaining staff to be strong, loud and manly. Anyone else could hit the bricks. I needed finishers. People who’d get the job done. I have not the time nor the money to keep whingey, whiney, emotional staffbags on MY company’s payroll.

So now I only hire extroverts.

Do you have similar stories? Do you also want to fire your introverts but HR won’t let you?!

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