I believe I am almost the right person to answer this question, though I am not an engineer but, I do have friends who are, so I take the liberty.

It’s not about the unconventional paths they take. It’s about taking up a wrong ‘majors’ for what they are truly passionate about. We live in India; where our morals and family reputation has a big say in our decision making. Moreover, our parents expect us to become an engineer or a doctor so that they can boast about it with their relatives or friends, call it ego or self-boasting!

Secondly, almost all parents want their child to live a successful life devoid of financial irregularities. Also, they expect their child to bear the burden of the house with the father or their mothers who are now old enough to not to be able to work. Hence, they expect the child would now take care of them as they did when he was in his initial years.

We, the aspiring children, take upon ourselves to fulfill those expectations by choosing conventional paths only to realise in our sophomore year that hang on, I think I don’t truly enjoy what I do. The easiest way to get out of this situation is to smoke or drink alcohol, and somehow get past this quagmire by getting almost 60%- by hook or crook!

Now, after their engineering, when they are wise enough to take matters into their own hands, they are exposed and don’t enjoy their regular jobs( if they have one!) and they start to explore other possibilities. And, when they eventually find out what they love, they know they can make the same amount of money by doing what they love. At least, they don’t have to take refuge in some other random activities.

Maybe, this is how it works!

Let me know Quorans what you think about it?

Also, I hope I could answer your questions with some reasoning!

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Sharad Jain
Don't Panic, Just Hire

Writer| Technology Enthusiast| B2B SaaS Product Marketer