Recruitment’s Fucked.

Don't Panic, Just Hire
2 min readJul 29, 2015

And we’re here to change it.

Let’s be honest with each other right now — we all know the recruitment process is horrible. Horrendous, in fact. Lack of feedback, no responses, lack of context when you do get a response, ill-informed interviewers and that’s just to name a few pain points.

We haven’t forgotten about you on the other side of the coin. HR departments, talent managers and recruitment consultants — we feel your pain. Talent try to position themselves in completely the wrong way, waste your time, disappear off of the face of the earth, are ill prepared, become the hardest negotiators in the world and worst of all — they’re all talk.

Disruption just hasn’t happened in the recruitment industry. It’s still a model that people live or die by. We can see great services coming to fruition but they simply append to the start of the recruitment journey — still giving you the same old shit as you start to fly through the process. Who the hell wants that?

So, you see all of the above? We’re looking to solve ALL of that… And more along the way.

Today we introduce Nurture to the world. Nurture is a tool to help talent and organisations find their other half whilst hand holding both parties throughout that process to get the very best experience.

Nurture has been designed with 4 principles in mind:
- To cultivate the very best talent
- To foster and develop meaningful relationships
- To educate and accelerate
- To disrupt the nature of the recruitment industry leading to a happier, healthier process.

This doesn’t tell you a great deal. We know. We did that on purpose. Geniuses.

We are doing something a little bit different though. We know it’s hard to get a leg up in to some industries. That’s why we’re committed to throwing some of those lovely profits we hope to make back in to nurturing talent — from graduates, to the unemployed, to supporting and progressing diversification across all levels. See, not a bad bunch, are we?

The best way to find out any more information on Nurture is to follow us on LinkedIn or Twitter, like us on Facebook, sign up to our mailing list or just mooch on over to the website.

In the meantime why not share your recruitment horror stories and tell us why you too think recruitment is fucked over on Twitter using the hashtag #recruitmentsfucked.

Nurture is a digital product combining over 10 years recruitment experience with 7 years product experience respectively from co-founders Chevy Rough and Jonathan Denby. Nurture will be coming to market in Q4 2015.



Don't Panic, Just Hire

We’re creating a digital solution to bring talent and organisations together to create a harmonious and cost effective recruitment solution.