Waiting To Begin

Sean P. Dillon
4 min readJun 24, 2016


Timing matters. When we start will have a big impact on when we see our results and also what results we have when we get there. Starting is hard. Starting can also be easy, which often makes finishing hard. Either way, the path forward is going to be hard in some way. Accept that. Do we see moving forward with our dreams, goals and plans as inevitable if we want to be truly satisfied with our life? If so, we need to understand that waiting to begin is detrimental to the results we so desire.

I will be using My Medium blog as a sandbox for writing and getting out many of the things that rattle around my head when I’m busily juggling all that fills my life. My work today primarily revolves around my agency, Cyentist, which helps professional service firms manage their websites. Soon, as my team comes together, I will embark on a new journey of inevitability for my life. I feel vocationally called to speak and inspire people, to write and share useful knowledge, experience and perspectives that help people act on what is most important to them. I have found a strength in myself that allows me to put everything else aside and move forward in action.

It wasn’t always this way and I’m not yet arrived at my destination, but on the proverbial journey. I struggled for many years working in sales positions with other companies, under extremely high pressure every time. I produced but only because I was able to act on what I was supposed to, and typically, just in time. I learned what the force multipliers were and began working smarter and effectively to produce certain results. You might call me a gifted procrastinator or an effective strategist, whatever you prefer. It falls in the middle of the two when I analyze it myself. You see, we all want to do something. We all want results. We all want recognition. The truth is, we know exactly how to get these things too.

We are waiting to begin.

Nobody likes to wait, but something somewhere holds us back. Maybe it’s someone else’s opinion of us, our lack of self-confidence, maybe we feel tired at the moment or we need to do something else first. Those inevitable things that we know we must do wait for us to begin. Sometimes months and years pass, along with the positive feelings associated with the goal itself. Other times, these desires go dormant for years and resurge with a newness and vitality unlike ever before. This moment, my friends, is the one in which you must definitely pay attention and move forward with action. This is your second chance and there can be no more waiting to begin. You must put the waiting aside and take a leap of faith to begin with one consistent step forward after another. This is where life takes you in a new direction and you must completely succumb. I did this when I started Cyentist.

At the time, I was a very successful top-producing sales consultant with a major web services brand. Everything was going great and my phone was ringing back from my efforts. Long story short, the company shut down our sales channel due to high customer churn and sales team turnover, causing that position to disappear like a vapor. The very next day, my phone kept ringing and I parlayed the end of that opportunity into a new business that continues to flourish over seven years later. When we take action on what we’re doing right now, we can sometimes build a certain kind of momentum that will deliver us to our next endeavor.

As early as 11 years old, I have followed and admired successful people in the speaking industry. I specifically gravitated to the styles and teachings of such avatars as Brian Tracy, Zig Ziglar, Les Brown, Jim Rohn, Tony Robbins, T. Harv Eker, Darren Hardy and many others. Back then, I couldn’t define what they did, but always felt it was inevitable that I would one day be on a stage where I could inspire others, just like they do. Over the last few years, I have felt compelled to finally stop waiting to begin and started taking action. I wrote out my goals and some specific plans. I have sat quietly absorbing and applying so much information over many years. I have sought out deeper learning and have taken courses on specific areas of study. I have developed my own voice and message that I want to share with the world. When I launch my other blog at seandillon.com (coming soon), I will launch my speaking career too.

My friends, there is no better time than the present to take decisive action toward a worthwhile goal or dream. Your dream is worth the fight. If you’re done waiting to begin, let me know what you’re going to do in the comments! I wish you the very best.



Sean P. Dillon

CEO of Cyentist, a Manhattan-based brand consulting lab that helps professionals brand, market, and sell like legends.