Joe Flanagan
Don't Panic, Just Hire
3 min readJan 8, 2016


What makes a quality resume builder?

Having a top quality resume is the most vital part of any job search, and with an increasingly competitive marketplace for jobs, you need to stand out from the crowd. In recent years, half the work has been taken out of your hands with the introduction of a professional resume builder. These platforms literally walk you through the process of creating a resume, and provide many features that make the whole process a lot easier than it would be if you were taking care of the resume on your own. It’s simple and it’s effective. But there are many resume builders out there, and we’ve decided to take a look at them all and come up with a few points that help us decide what makes a truly great resume builder.

Job Searching

One of the key features of a great resume builder is the ability to post your resume online as part of the process. With much of the job search being carried out online these days, having the opportunity to simply and effectively get the resume out there on the Web is absolutely crucial. Some resume builders don’t do this, but it is the mark of a highly professional service, and more and more builders are scrambling to include this in their feature sets.


Another crucial aspect of a good resume builder is the ability to import and export a number of different file types such as .doc and .pdf. Not everyone uses Microsoft software to create their resumes, for example, and having a choice when it comes to import and export means that you are able to manage your resume creation process without the hassle of having to take your file elsewhere, convert it, or even rewrite it. It sounds like an obvious thing, but it has become the key differentiator between the so-so creators out there, and those that are becoming essential pieces of software.

Using a resume wizard makes the process easy

The Power of the Wizard

Having a good resume wizard is also vitally important. Many of us do need help along the way, and the presence of a clean and simple wizard operation is a massive source of help. Resume wizards have classically been variable in quality, but many of the new kind of wizards are actually quite easy to use. They also provide tons of support too, especially when you need it the most. This kind of high quality support is just like having someone there to guide you through the process, step-by-step. If it feels like you’re getting that kind of guidance with your resume builder wizard, you’re using a high quality platform.

Resume Templates

However, perhaps the very best aspect of a professional resume builder is the variety of templates that are offered. While it may seem like resumes are generally straightforward in their appearance, they simply are not, and the best builders reflect this in a strong array of templates, all of them designed to get your document noticed before anyone else’s. This means that you have that immediate impact that is so important with resumes, and the sheer variety of resume templates that the best resume creator offers also means that you have a large amount of choice. No longer are things kept basic and simple, and real presentational flair can be achieved with the best builders out there right now.


So if we were to pick the very best resume builders out there, we’d pretty much stick with the credentials listed above. While not every time you create a resume you will have all of them, they should have most of them. This is a professional approach, and when you’re searching for a job you need to have the best tools at your disposal. Only consider a resume builder that features a lot of what we have talked about in this article, or you could end up with a platform that is actually detrimental to your job search.

