Latest Updates from BNB48 Club® — 2020 Dec 14th

48Club Publish
Published in
Dec 14, 2020

2020/12/09 Upgrade BSC mainnet validator to Version 1.0.4

This is a security upgrade according to core-dev team.

2020/12/02 BNB48 Off-Chain DAO bot starts alpha testing


2020/12/01 Upgrade BSC test-net validator to Version 1.0.4

Prepare for main-net upgrade

2020/11/29 CowSwap adopts $KOGE in its ISO (Initial Swap Offering)

CowSwap is a derived project from MILK, which is the very first farming project on BSC.

CowSwap is about to release on-chain derivatives based on swap-like UX. Stay tuned.


2020/11/19 48 Asks — Bella AMA

Refer to

2020/11/18 Telegram Bot Supports Lucky Envelope again

Having fun

