Hyperledger launches community group to achieve climate goals

Published in
2 min readJan 23, 2020

One of the leading open-source blockchain projects — Hyperledger — has announced the launching of the Hyperledger Climate Action & Accounting (CA2) Special Interest Group (SIG) that will work on effective usage of blockchain technology to address climate goals defined by the Paris Agreement.

The announcement has been made on the World Economic Forum in Davos, giving an international level of importance to this blockchain initiative. This project is a reply to unsatisfactory data on global emissions that have to reach a zero mark by 2050. To solve this problem, SIG will gather members of one industry sector to work on domain-specific problems, creating an environment for collective discussions, working groups, document co-creation and solutions proposals reviewed by the whole group.

Seeing the necessity of getting climate issues to the new level, Hyperledger offers the DLT (distributed ledger technology) solutions that can provide a safe and secure climate data storage, processing and rules automation. Thus, Hyperledger ecosystem and DLTs will be the central components in the creation of a “global and open climate accounting system” that will help unite all actors and actions under the common planetary goal.

The Climate Action & Accounting SIG is already implementing Hyperledger ecosystem and Linux Foundation’s experience in creating an open-source and decentralized climate accountability network. The project is now open for all participants that are interested in searching for a decent solution to climate change.

