How Bitcoin works, part 2

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4 min readFeb 18, 2020

In the first part, you learned what Bitcoin is and how to understand Blockchain. Now, let’s move to the blockchain.

The Blockchain

Bitcoin is a system that utilizes a protocol known as the blockchain. A 2008 paper by an individual or individuals calling themselves Satoshi Nakamoto first depicted both the blockchain and Bitcoin and for some time the two terms were everything except synonymous.

The blockchain​ has since advanced into a different idea, and a huge number of blockchains have been made utilizing comparable cryptographic procedures. This history can make the terminology befuddling. Blockchain now and then alludes to the first, Bitcoin blockchain. On different occasions, it alludes to blockchain innovation all in all, or to some other explicit blockchain, for example, the one that powers Ethereum​.

The idea of blockchain innovation is clear. Any given blockchain comprises of a solitary chain of discrete blocks, orchestrated sequentially. On a basic level, this data can be any series of 1s and 0s, which means it could incorporate messages, contracts, land titles, marriage testaments or security exchanges. This adaptability has gotten the attention of governments and private enterprises; for sure, a few examiners accept that blockchain innovation will, at last, be the most significant part of the cryptographic money era.

For Bitcoin’s situation, however, the data on the blockchain is for the most part transactions.

Bitcoin is only a registered ledger of entries. Individual A sent X bitcoin to individual B, who sent Y bitcoin to individual C, and so on. By counting these transactions up, everybody knows where singular clients stand, what was sent, when it was done, etc. It is important to understand that those transactions/entries can not be erased/altered once in the blockchain (there are some new blockchains that try to take a different approach here though).

Another name for a blockchain is a “distributed ledger,” which accentuates the key distinction between this innovation and a well-kept Word report. Bitcoin’s blockchain is distributed, implying that it is publicly open. Anybody can download it completely or go to any number of locales that parse it. This implies the record is freely accessible, yet it additionally implies that there are convoluted measures set up for updating the blockchain history. There is no focal position to monitor all bitcoin transactions, so the members themselves do as such by making and confirming “blocks” of transaction information. (more on that in the Mining section). Bitcoin is incredibly hard to mess with as it has no physical presence, so you can’t secure it by burying in the wild.


The procedure that keeps up this trustless open record is known as mining. It allows all of the Bitcoin system to be maintained, for example, clients who trade cryptocurrencies among themselves must rely on a system of miners, who record these transactions on the blockchain. Just like everything on the blockchain, it has to be supported by miners.

Recording a series of transactions is unimportant for a cutting edge PC, yet mining is troublesome on the grounds that Bitcoin’s product makes the procedure falsely tedious. Without additional trouble, individuals could fake transactions to profit themselves or bankrupt others, for instance, they could log a fake transaction in the blockchain and heap such a large number of inconsequential transactions over it that unraveling the scam would get impossible.

It is therefore extremely difficult to embed fake transactions into past squares. The system would turn into rambling, malicious wreckage of contending records, and bitcoin would be useless.

Consolidating “proof of work” with other cryptographic systems was Satoshi’s achievement. Bitcoin’s software modifies the trouble miners face so as to constrain the system to one new 1-megabyte square of exchanges at regular intervals. That way the volume of transactions is absorbable. The system has the opportunity to vet the new square and the record that goes before it, and everybody can reach a consensus about business as usual. Miners don’t work to check transactions by adding blocks to the distributed record/blockchain simply out of a longing to see the Bitcoin system run easily; they are paid for their work too. Let’s discuss the mining rewards underneath.

We will stop here for now. We will discuss blockchain, mining, hashes and keys/wallets in the second part coming soon.

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