How Bitcoin works, part 3

Published in
3 min readFeb 20, 2020

In the second part, you learned what Bitcoin mining is. Now, let’s move to the hashes.


When, a mining pool, reached 51% of the network’s computing power in 2014, it voluntarily promised to not exceed 39.99% of the Bitcoin hash rate in order to maintain confidence in the cryptocurrency’s value. Other actors, such as governments, might find the idea of such an attack interesting, though.

We will start with an increasingly technical portrayal of how mining functions. The system of miners, who are dissipated over the globe and not bound to one another by proximity or family ties, gets the most recent clump of transaction information. They run the information through a cryptographic algorithm that produces a “hash,” a series of numbers and letters that check the data’s legitimacy, however, it doesn’t uncover the data itself. (This perfect vision of decentralized mining is not valid anymore, with modern scale mining farms and ground-breaking mining pools framing an oligopoly.)

Mining is rigorous and exhaustive, requiring enormous, costly equipment and a ton of power to control them. Furthermore, it’s serious. It’s impossible to tell what nonce will work, so the objective is to drive through them as fast as could be achieved.

Miners figured out that they could improve their odds by consolidating into mining pools, sharing computing power and dividing the prizes up among themselves. Even if numerous miners split these mining rewards, there is an as yet abundant motivator to seek after them. Each time another block is mined, the fruitful miner gets a lot of recently made bitcoin. From the start, it was 50, yet then it split to 25, and now it is 12.5 (about $119,000 in October 2019). It will be halved again in May 2020.

The mining reward will keep on splitting every 210,000 blocks, or about at regular intervals until it hits zero. By then, each of the 21 million bitcoins will have been mined, and miners will rely entirely upon transaction fees to keep up the system. When Bitcoin was propelled, it was arranged that the absolute supply of the cryptocurrency would be 21 million tokens.

The way that miners have composed themselves into pools stresses a few. In the event that a pool surpasses half of the system’s mining power, its individuals might spend coins, invert the transactions, and spend them once more. They could likewise hinder others’ transactions. Basically, this pool of miners would have the ability to overpower the appropriated idea of the system, confirming deceitful transactions by the righteousness of the dominant part power it would hold.

That could spell doom on Bitcoin, however even a purported “51% attack” would most likely not empower the terrible on-screen characters to invert old transactions, in light of the fact that the proof of work necessity makes that procedure so work concentrated. To return and change the blockchain, a pool would need to control such a vastly larger part of the system that it would most likely be futile. When you control the entire cash, who is there to trade with?

A 51% assault is a monetarily self-destructive suggestion from the miners’ point of view. However, different parties, for example, governments, may consider the possibility of such an assault intriguing.

We will stop here for now. We will discuss transactions, keys, and wallets in the last part coming soon.

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