The 3 Step Approach to Crypto Money Management and Risk Control

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5 min readSep 5, 2019


Cryptocurrency trading is very profitable when done right. However, if done the wrong way, you can suffer unimaginable loses, some which can never be recovered. Therefore, there are good trading habits which any trader should practice by heart and make it their traditions.

One of these habits is having a money management plan. Money in cryptocurrency, just like in any other profit-oriented business venture, is a valuable asset which should be handled critically using a money management strategy.

So, What is money management in crypto trading?

Money management is a financial strategy which determines how a trader is going to invest his money in different cryptocurrency assets. Trading is not like gambling. In gambling, losers are advised to spend more to regain whatever has been lost; however, in cryptocurrency trading, the opposite is true.

Money management determines when a trader is going to enter into a trade, how much volume he is going to purchase, and at what point should he pack his bags and call it a day. Money management helps you cruise smoothly through the trading pressure in the financial markets. It teaches you patience and tolerance.




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