Barthe’s Rhetoric of the Image

emily pickering
4D Foundations
Published in
2 min readSep 2, 2021

In the reading by Roland Barthes ‘Rhetoric of the Image’ a main issue Barthes brings up is the meaning and value brought by an image to a reader or viewer. When looking at an image there is both the denotative and connotative meaning both which can change how the viewer sees the message brought by the image. The denotative meaning is what the image is in terms of subject matter. For example in Barthes publication you see the image of the pasta and vegetables in the basket, this is the denotative meaning.

The connotative meaning on the other hand is what the image is supposed to represent outside of what is shown. When breaking down the image of the basket and the fruit you start to break down the meaning of the image. Barthes explains that when you look at the color scheme of the image, the reds of the background and vegetables, the greens of the stems and food labels, and the yellow of the pasta you can clearly begin to understand the heavy Italianicity shown within the image. This is the connotative meaning.

This is only one of two examples of meaning that Barthes had found within the image. Another example Barthes mentions has to do with the composition of the image. Because each object is carefully placed with a purpose he implies that the image has still life properties. Secondly because the image has such strong cultural properties Barthes suggests that he believe this is an advertisement of some sorts also due to the emphasis of the labels shown on the food products.

Barthes continues to break down further denotative and connotative meanings found within the image as the reading goes on. As an artist I have never considered breaking things down as thoroughly as Barthes describes and would have never looked at the image of the food the same as he did. This form of analyzing will most certainly help me not only as an artist but even as a person and I am eager to apply his methods to my everyday life and see what I find and discover.

