Exploring the Essence and Benefits of IPFS Gateways!

I. Tobias Darlington
Published in
4 min readApr 24, 2024

Have you heard of the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS)? I’m sure you’ve come across it in my previous articles, but do you really know what it’s all about? Believe me when I say, it’s a complete paradigm shift!

IPFS is a revolutionary peer-to-peer protocol that allows for the seamless storage and access of files and websites. Unlike the traditional HTTP protocol, IPFS is decentralized, which makes it different from anything you’ve ever seen before. This protocol enables the persistent storage and sharing of large-scale files in a distributed manner, treating every file as unique content and addressing them based on their content. This means that every file is as important as the next.

And that’s not all; IPFS equips each computer in the network (known as peers) with both server and client capabilities, making every IPFS peer an invaluable contributor to the network. With IPFS, the possibilities are endless! It’s like a secret weapon that allows you to store and share files and websites without any restrictions.

So, why is IPFS HTTP gateway a game-changer?

Well, it’s simple. The gateway enables you to access IPFS content using your regular web browser, just like you would access content on the regular web. This means that you don’t have to install any special software to access the content on IPFS. It’s seamless and effortless!

In IPFS, data is addressed based on its content and not its location, unlike the client-server model that most of us are familiar with. Every file and segment (block) has a unique identifier that is derived from its content. The beauty of content addressing is that once a node provides the Content Identifier (CID) to the network, you can fetch that CID from any IPFS node. This redundancy and version control feature guarantees that the same content won’t be stored twice. This way, you can rest easy knowing that your data is safe and secure.

Exploring the Influence of IPFS Gateways on Content Distribution and Network Resilience

IPFS gateways are the ultimate middlemen for all interactions between users and the IPFS network. They play a vital role in content distribution and network stability.

When users access content stored via IPFS, the gateway acts as a lightning-fast intermediary, allowing users to bypass the burden of connecting directly to the IPFS network. This results in speedy content delivery, and better network stability, as content is distributed through multiple sources, reducing the impact of single points of failure.

The best part about these gateways is that they allow you to request data from the IPFS network using the widely supported HTTP protocol. To request data from an IPFS gateway, all you need to do is pass the CID in an HTTP request. Since the CID represents a specific data’s unique hash value, the gateway retrieves that specific data, no matter where it’s located on the network, as long as it’s accessible via the gateway.

The simplest form of an IPFS gateway is a computer running an IPFS node that accepts HTTP requests for CIDs.

  • Typically, HTTP requests to an IPFS gateway follow this structure: https:///ipfs/.

So, if you want to access data stored on the IPFS network, all you have to do is send an HTTP request to an IPFS gateway with the relevant CID, and voila! You’ll have your data in no time.

Do you want to learn more about how IPFS gateways work?

Let’s start by opening a couple of links using CIDs and exploring the benefits of IPFS over traditional networks.

First up, let’s try the IPFS Public Gateway.

Now, let’s try a third-party IPFS Gateway Provider like 4EVERLAND.

Notice how both gateways provide access to the same image through IPFS, utilizing content addressing and the peer-to-peer network. While public gateways are available to everyone, dedicated gateways offer even better accessibility and efficiency.

But why choose IPFS gateways over traditional networks? Well, IPFS’s decentralized nature makes it more resistant to censorship and attacks. Plus, content addressing ensures data remains immutable once published, guaranteeing content integrity.

If you’re interested in learning more, check out the IPFS documentation for a deeper dive into this fascinating technology.

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