How to Create NFTs with Digital Art and 4EVERLAND IPFS service

Erica Dodson
Published in
4 min readMay 12, 2022

This is an article from our community


Whether you work in the crypto space or not, you must have heard of non-fungible token (NFT) in recent years.

A non-fungible token ( NFT ) is a financial security consisting of digital data stored in a blockchain, a form of distributed ledger. ownership of an NFT is recorded in the blockchain and can be transferred by the owner, allowing the NFT to be sold and traded. an NFT usually contains references to digital files, such as photos, videos and audio.

A popular NFT use case involves creating digital scarcity for digital artwork. In this post you will learn how artists or art creators use 4EVERLAND BUCKET to secure artworks to the Interplanetary File System (IPFS) when minting NFTs.

How IPFS works

When you add a file to IPFS, your file is split into smaller chunks, cryptographically hashed, and given a unique fingerprint called a Content Identifier (CID) . This CID acts as a permanent record of your file, as it exists at that point in time.

When other nodes look for the file, they ask their peer node who stored the content referenced by the file’s CID. When they view or download your file, they cache a copy — and become another provider of your content until their cache is cleared. This means that there is no guarantee that data will continue to be stored unless the CID is fixed.

Therefore, to ensure that important data is not lost, the role of a fixed service provider such as 4EVERLAND is to ensure that the data remains fixed. For artists and art creators, this means that their NFT collectors always have access to the original files of the artwork.

Here’s how artists and art creators use zkSync and 4EVERLAND BUCKET services to create NFTs.

Pin your art works on IPFS

First make sure you are logged into 4EVERLAND BUCKET, as a Web3 storage solution, BUCKET currently supports logins including Metamask and Phantom.

Then create a new BUCKET and click the upload button.

Select a file to upload, you can click the Share button to share URL.

Or you can click on the file name to see the details.

Here you can check the IPFS Hash and URL of the file. At this point, your file has been successfully pinned to IPFS.

Mint your digital art

There are many NFT marketplaces and Mint platforms in the industry, here is an example of using zkSync to mint an NFT.

Logging into your zkSync account, select ‘NFTs’ and click on Mint NFT.

Copy the IPFS Hash of your item to the ‘Content Address’. In order to complete the link between NFT and the corresponding fixed file on IPFS.

Finally, click ‘Mint NFT’ and sign the transaction to mint the NFT.

Tips: If you want to view your files through your browser and the IPFS Hash, a gateway needs to be added for the Hash to be accessed properly, you can use 4EVERLAND’s proprietary gateway, the full link format should be:


Now you know how to pin artworks on IPFS and mint the corresponding NFTs. by using both 4EVERLAND BUCKET and zkSync, artists and creators minting on individual smart contracts can ensure the persistence of their NFT counterparts.

