How to deploy an Application on IPFS using 4EVERLAND CLI

Allan Mang’eni
Published in
3 min readMay 23, 2022

A CLI is known to be the most efficient and effective way to deploy programs debug or operate a computer. Most products created by companies leverage CLI considering it is more efficient for handling activities like repetitive tasks and also uses less memory compared to a GUI (Graphical User Interface)

4EVERLAND comes with a CLI which offers a simplified way to deploy your Framework right from the repository. CLI is a great option for people who prefer a faster means of deployment and it comes with a set of commands to simplify the deployment process.

To get started with the hosting CLI, you will need to import 4EVERLAND’s npm package after which you can play with the CLI hosting commands. For this read, we will be deploying a basic To-do React App and we will go through the whole configuration-to-deployment process.

In your Application repository, install the 4EVERLAND CLI npm package by running:

npm install -g @4everland/hosting-cli

After installation, check the version of the package to ensure it’s an updated one to avoid any security or performance issues by running:

4ever-hosting -v

If the version is up-to-date, proceed with login into your 4EVERLAND hosting suite. Currently, the package installed is the latest version but ensure to run 4ever-hosting-v to be sure.

The next step would be to login to 4EVERLAND by running:

4ever-hosting login

You will then receive a prompt to enter the Authentication token. This token can be generated from the hosting dashboard and you can only view the secret key once so ensure to write it down or save it and paste it on the CLI prompt.

Once login is successful, we can proceed with testing the core feature which is deploying your Application. Deployment can be done by running:

4ever-hosting deploy

The deployment process comes in two options:

  1. Create a new project — If you have never deployed your project on 4EVERLAND, choose this first option and you will enter some basic information like the project name and the output path for the Application. The output path is the production build for your Application. For our case, we are using React, and creating the production build can be done by running npm run build.

2. Update existing project — If you need to make some changes to an existing project, you may need to re-deploy the Application. In my case, I wanted to make some changes to the CSS file, and once done, I deleted the previous production build and created a new one by running npm run build.

Once deployment is complete, you can proceed to 4EVERLAND’s dashboard and you will see your deployed Application on IPFS.

To view my Application, click

Aside from deploying your Applications, you can also bind a domain to the Web App. For domain configurations, here are some simple commands:

Binding domain:

4ever-hosting domain -a

Viewing domain list:

4ever-hosting domain -ls

Validating domain:

4ever-hosting domain -c


Deploying your web Application on 4EVERLAND through CLI is quite a simple process. The installation process is simple and the npm package is up to date and lacks any vulnerabilities. Aside from deployment, you can also configure your domain to point to the Application from the CLI. To learn more and stay updated with the latest improvements or updates, subscribe to 4EVERLAND’s newsletter.

