The 4EVERLAND Bi-Weekly Report(Aug 14, 2023 - Aug 27, 2023)

Published in
3 min readAug 29, 2023

We are back again with another 4EVERLAND Bi-Weekly Update!

Our latest report aims to keep you informed about our recent progress and aspirations. If you missed our previous issue, please find it here.

Also, we kindly remind you to subscribe to our Medium and Twitter accounts to receive the latest updates from us.

What happened in the last fortnight?

There are so many great moments that happened in the last fortnight, can’t wait to share them with you!

Community article “From Web2.0 to Web3.0: Unlocking the Future with 4EVERLAND’s IPFS Gateway”

Latest initiative with @perma_dao and @everVisionHQ — UnleashArweave

Unleash Arweave giveaway on Galxe

Gametaverse x Famlive Roundtable Space

Rareweave now uses 4EVERLAND as primary frontend provider

4EVERLAND has partnered with the prestigious @LineaBuild, marking a major milestone!

4EVERLAND Chinese Community Twitter Space

New partnership with @SWAGGA_Meta — a cutting-edge, hybrid AI-driven immersive metaverse focused on fashion!

4EVERLAND has now surpassed the impressive 100K+ on-chain users

Announce a partnership with @HelloHashKey!

The 4EVERLAND First Sowing Deploy-A-Thon is ready to start

We have completed a number of upgrades

As a continuation of the past two weeks’ efforts, we have finalized some projects and are thrilled to share them with you:

FirstSowing Public Challenge

4EVERLAND First Sowing Deploy-A-Thon is ready to start now.

Hosting Performance Optimisation

Improved speed and fluidity of Hosting build deployments.

Working to complete

4EVERLAND is making methodical progress on milestones,

Redefining account and resource logic

Redesigning and optimizing the existing account and resource logic.

Bucket optimization update

Updating the product logic of Bucket, planning to make a clearer distinction between Arweave Bucket and IPFS Bucket. Developing the public API for Bucket.

Template compilation logic iteration

Designing the iteration version of template compilation logic.

CLI iteration upgrade

Updating and upgrading Hosting CLI to support faster performance and more features.

On-going activities

4EVERLAND Template-a-thon Challenge

Thanks for reading!

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If you would like to know more about us, please have a visit to our Documentation.

Last but not least, please contact us with any ideas or suggestions you may have. Join us on Discord/Twitter and let us know! Thanks!

Full information:

We’ll be back in ~two weeks with another update. See you all then!




4EVERLAND is a Web3.0 cloud computing platform with global acceleration, privacy protection, distributed storage, and other technical features.