The Optimal Method for Accessing: Utilizing 4EVERLAND and to Access IPFS-based Content

Published in
3 min readMay 8, 2023

IPFS (InterPlanetary File System) is a decentralized file system that addresses centralization issue in the internet, providing a more secure, efficient, and reliable means of content storage and sharing. With 4EVERLAND and, developers can now access IPFS website content more conveniently.

This article aims to outline how to access IPFS website content using 4EVERLAND and

Advantages of IPFS: Traditional internet services use a centralized architecture, making them vulnerable to single points of failure. IPFS, on the other hand, stores data in a distributed manner across multiple nodes, ensuring data reliability and security. It also supports functionalities like file version control, encryption, and compression, making data management more convenient and secure.

4EVERLAND: A Web3 infrastructure based on blockchain technology that provides developers with a convenient, efficient, and cost-effective solution. Its “Hosting” service offers high-performance and decentralized front-end hosting, allowing users to easily upload, deploy, and manage static websites, applications, and other front-end resources. By leveraging IPFS technology, 4EVERLAND provides faster, more stable, and secure website and application access experience, while reducing infrastructure costs. A user-friendly IPFS content access service that maps IPFS content to easy-to-remember ENS domain names, making it simple and convenient for users to access the content. is an IPFS gateway that supports ENS and places a strong emphasis on user privacy and security. By providing an alternative method for accessing ENS-resolvable domains, represents a shift in the way the network is being adopted.

Reasons: Accessing IPFS content through 4EVERLAND and provides users with a more convenient way to access decentralized data storage and sharing services. 4EVERLAND offers efficient hosting and distributed data storage service, enabling users to store data on a decentralized network, achieving decentralized data storage and sharing. maps IPFS content to an easy-to-remember ENS domain name, allowing users to access IPFS content using easy-to-remember domain names, without having to manually enter complex IPFS addresses.

How to access IPFS content using 4EVERLAND and

Register an ENS domain name. You can use any ENS-supported wallet such as MetaMask to do this. When registering the ENS domain name, you need to choose a memorable domain name, such as 4EVERLAND.eth.

Once you have registered your ENS domain name, you need map it to the IPFS project on 4EVERLAND. To do this, you will need to first create a project and complete the deployment process. To create a new project, simply click on “New Project”.

Click on Settings and bind your ENS domain name.

Access the IPFS website on 4EVERLAND through your browser: Enter the ENS you have registered in your browser, followed by “.limo” to access the IPFS content on 4EVERLAND. The browser will automatically resolve the ENS domain name and map it, allowing for convenient access.

Conclusion: The collaboration between 4EVERLAND and provides users with a better experience for accessing IPFS content and creates new opportunities for the development of IPFS technology. Through this collaboration, users can access IPFS content more conveniently and enjoy the benefits of IPFS’s decentralized and efficient performance. Additionally, it provides new opportunities for the development of IPFS technology, which has great potential in distributed storage, sharing, transmission, and other fields.

