Why 4EVERLAND is the best cloud computing platform for Web 3.0

Allan Mang’eni
Published in
3 min readMay 17, 2022

Cloud computing brought a dynamic shift to how we handle networking, databases, servers, and software by providing an avenue of handling these services through the internet. The first cloud computing platform came about in 1999 when Salesforce was founded and became successful in implementing Software-as-a-service (Saas). Through this first innovation, other cloud computing platforms like Azure and AWS emerged to offer advanced cloud computing features which made many companies and developers shift from using on-site data, server, and software management to shifting to cloud-based solutions.

Currently, there is an influx of cloud computing platforms but all of them have one core similarity in that all aspects of the cloud are done from a centralized standpoint. Having a centralized cloud computing platform gives you perks like high performance, and low network diameter making it easier to propagate information and easier data management. However, there are also some cons to centralized cloud computing platforms like a single point of failure may take down your network, and censorship of data.

Web 3 changes the concept of how we have known cloud computing to work by introducing decentralization. Web 3 cloud computing is not robust compared to Web 2 architectures, but many companies are working towards building solutions and frameworks to make it easier for developers to deploy their products to the cloud.

One of these companies is 4EVERLAND and they are a leading Platform as a service offering a solution to host and deploy Applications on a decentralized storage system. Aside from that, they also incorporate decentralized domains which convert addresses into easily memorable characters.

What can you leverage from 4EVERLAND’s cloud computing platform?

  1. Application hosting

4EVERLAND offers a robust framework to deploy your Applications to IPFS, which is a decentralized storage platform. The deployment process is quite simple and you are guaranteed up to 99% uptime. Also, you do not need to upload files to 4EVERLAND and start building them from scratch in order to run your Application. 4EVERLAND is integrated with Github and all you need to do is import your repository and 4EVERLAND automatically detects the framework you are using. To learn more about deploying Applications on 4EVERLAND, check out my previous post here.

Aside from deploying your Application via their dashboard UI, you can do so through 4EVERLAND Cli which is simple to set up.

2. Storing Objects

4EVERLAND Buckets is an Object storage system that allows you to store files like images, videos, documents, music, and much more. 4EVERLAND Buckets are similar to aws s3 Buckets but the major difference is files are stored on IPFS in 4EVERLAND buckets. This guarantees you the availability of your files at any time considering it is on decentralized storage.

Files can also be synced to Arweave which offers permanent storage.

3. Decentralized domains

Decentralized domains are Web 3 domains that convert long Wallet addresses into readable characters. Currently, 4EVERLAND supports SNS (Solana Naming System) and ENS ( Ethereum Naming System). The process to configure your decentralized domain is done via 4EVERLAND’s dashboard.

These are the key main products that you can get from 4EVERLAND at the moment. There are many cool upcoming features like IBC (Inter-Blockchain Communication) and much more. Feel free to subscribe to 4EVERLAND’s newsletter to stay updated.

