4irelabs July Report

Max Semenchuk
Published in
2 min readAug 12, 2019

Dear friends and partners, here’s our regular updates on our work

Productivity: 20 points. We’ve outlined specific research topics and generated a lot of new ideas for research.

Research network governance solutions by Max

  • ‌Make clear the potential value of the Tribute incentive: conducted the design sprint, Phil Honigman has collected some interviews, are going to publish the results soon
  • Published the report on Getting more insights from the Ethereum Carbonvote
  • Increasing the volume of signals for Ethereum EIPs: we’ve applied to Moloch DAO to get some funding for our strategy, but unfortunately got the reject with a slight cliff. Anyways going to EthBerlin with Kirill and Bohdan to build the tool. Also having another session with Hudson Jameson to refine our plans.

Research web3 solutions by Kirill‌

Research fintech solutions by Stas‌

  • Prepared a market mapping of Nordic Fintechs to understand the volume of the market and potential. Read more
  • We are initiating a dialog on needs to find insights. (We are going to Stockholm to speak at a conference)
  • Prepared a questionary for Nordic Fintech startups to deeper understand their pains and needs for a better proposition. Read more
  • Worked on the idea of making a new marketplace for customers to link them with all available lending providers.

Increase the capacity by Max

  • Make monthly blockchain developer meetups: we had the 5th Build.ua meetup with more cool people like Alex Matiasevich & Alex Gluchowski. Now we discuss more potential product ideas and even had some traction with EthBerlin working group. Here’re the meeting notes and video from the meetup (in russian)
  • Stas is going to conduct the design sprint for another customer soon
  • Discussed the internship ideas with Unit City (thank to Kirill)

Help Fintech Startups Innovate by Helen

We’re doing a meetup a Product Innovation in Fintech in Stockholm on 5th of September (already over 82 people registered!). Come to meet our own Kirill Kirikov and Helen Petrashchuk Thanks to the support from ChromaWay & Richard Rosenholtz.

We’ll be launching some articles about the design thinking, idea validation, brainstorming and case studies on the topic soon.



Max Semenchuk
Writer for

Entrepreneur, Product Manager, UX. Research & Play with #Decentralization, #Holacracy, #Lean, #DAO. http://maxsemenchuk.com