Argo CD: Up and Running in Kubernetes

Tiexin Guo
4th Coffee
Published in
11 min readNov 20, 2020


Lake Bled, Slovenia

In this article, we are going to cover a few topics around Argo CD: what it is, why using it, how to deploy it (in Kubernetes), how to use it to do continuous deployment, how to set up SSO with GitHub and permissions, etc.

What is Argo CD and GitOps

Argo CD is a declarative, GitOps continuous delivery tool for Kubernetes.

What is GitOps then?

Officially, GitOps is defined as a way of implementing continuous deployment for cloud-native applications. It focuses on a developer-centric experience when operating infrastructure, by using tools developers are already familiar with, including Git and Continuous Deployment tools.

The official definition doesn’t say much, does it? Maybe you haven’t heard of the concept quite often, but you probably have already been using it: you define your K8s resources in YAML or with Helm chart, you use Git as a single source of truth, you trigger some automated CI jobs when your master branch is changed to deploy production environment, or you trigger a different job on a pull request to deploy staging environment.

Why GitOps

