On DevOps — 8. Infrastructure as Code: Introduction, Best Practices, and How to Choose the Right Tool

Tiexin Guo
4th Coffee
Published in
7 min readFeb 8, 2021


Lisbon, Portugal

After talking about the definition, benefits, and crucial pillars of DevOps, let’s dive right into the technologies.

It’s extremely challenging for me to choose the first topic to talk about on DevOps technology because the “first” normally means “most important,” and it borders on impossible to answer the question “which tech is most important” because all the topics are equally important. All the techs together make DevOps happen.

For example, without continuous integration, you can’t automate the whole software development cycle. Without automated testing, you can’t even do continuous integration and continuous deployment. Without automated configuration management, you can’t bring change to your servers and services quickly and reliably in an error-free fashion. The train of thoughts goes on.

So I decided not to get bogged down to “which is most important.” I shall start with one of the hottest topics, which is Infrastructure as Code. Recall how many times you come across this term on a day-to-day basis. Internet articles, blog posts, conversations, etc. It’s for sure one of the hottest topics. It is so hot that it’s probably impossible to finish an interview on DevOps without discussing it.

