If Maria Could Overcome Her Past, So Can You

And she hopes her story will help

Beth Pandolpho
7 min readDec 19, 2019
©2019 tonyjuliano.com

If you had Maria as your server or bartender, you might envy her bright eyes, pretty face, and confident stance. She is twenty-nine years old and very slight, but her vibrancy and enthusiasm defy her tiny stature.

Yet there’s so much more to Maria, more than you would ever imagine. I will spare you the most brutal details, although no one spared Maria.

I will tell you enough, so you’ll always remember:

Everyone you meet has a story, and you don’t know anything about it.

To chronicle the abuse Maria endured as a prisoner in her own home in Pakistan might make this story too much to bear. . . with incest, rape, beatings, and death threats. It was a life where you were most vulnerable at nighttime because you couldn’t lock your door, so anyone could come into your bedroom, and as Maria said, “do anything they wanted to you” and “no one would believe you”.

And when they finally did believe you, they tied you to a chair and “beat the shit out of you” for telling the truth.

No one likes to hear the truth when it reveals them to be the villain in the story.



Beth Pandolpho

Educator, writer, storyteller. Author of “I’m Listening”. Thinking that sharing our stories is the path to mutual liberation. https://www.bethallyson.com