Pedigree — Share For Dogs

An Innovative Approach To Fundraising

Reuben Halper
5 Cool Things
1 min readApr 25, 2014


Every year, in New Zealand thousands of dogs are lost and abandoned, ending up in shelters where they’re destroyed if a home can’t be found for them. Pet food brand Pedigree has launched an adoption drive to raise awareness of the problem and to find homes for as many shelter dogs as possible. In addition to the normal fundraising means, the brains behind the Pedrigree Adoption Drive (anyone know the agency responsible?) have figured out a clever way to raise money. All you have to do it watch this video of cute puppies!

It’s a brilliant use of YouTube monetization to raise funds just by asking people to watch the pre-roll ad in front of the video and share it. Even if you skip the ad in front of the video, I’m sure those people who share will encourage people to watch the pre-roll ad or even watch it again. All the revenue raised from the YouTube ads goes towards feeding, treating and finding homes for the dogs in need.

hat tip: Digital Examples



Reuben Halper
5 Cool Things

American Expat In London. Creative Services @ Google (aka Tangozebra) I ♥ creative uses of technology. Author Of 5 Cool Things.