Honey Maid — Love

A Brand Takes A Stand For What They Believe In

Reuben Halper
5 Cool Things


Back in March, Honey Maid (for those of you who don’t know, Honey Maid is a graham cracker brand out of the US) kicked off their ‘This Is Wholesome’ campaign. Developed by Droga5, the campaign celebrated familes of all kinds ‘From working moms to two moms; stay at home dads to single dads; adopted kids to surrogate kids. Honey Maid recognizes that the reality of family has changed, but the wholesome connections that all families share will endure.’ Most notably the ad featured a two-dad family and included the description ‘No matter how things change, what makes us wholesome never will.’


Where the brand really stands out is in their response to the inevitable backlash from conservative groups and intolerant individuals. For instance, One Million Moms, a conservative group, started a petition to have the ads removed as well as the mini documentary featuring a gay couple. Rather than ignore the negative commentary, Honey Maid decided to respond and turn that hate into Love…literally.




Reuben Halper
5 Cool Things

American Expat In London. Creative Services @ Google (aka Tangozebra) I ♥ creative uses of technology. Author Of 5 Cool Things.