Water Is LIfe — The Drinkable Book

A book which doubles as a water filtration system.

Reuben Halper
5 Cool Things


The Drinkable Book is a wonderful example of a book which contains far more than just knowledge. It’s hard to imagine a project or campaign with larger potential implications on millions of people than this one. First a bit of background…Water Is Life is a non-profit organisation that provides clean drinking water, sanitation and hygiene education programs to schools and villages in developing countries. You may remember earlier campaigns to raise awareness of clean water issues such as the #firstworldproblems campaign that they developed with DDB. This latest project from Water Is Life & DDB isn’t so much a campaign as it is a revolution in materials science and to an extent direct marketing.

They’ve produced ‘The Drinkable Book’ which looks like a coffee table book, but is actually a full-on water-filtration system. Each page is its own little filter that can clean up to 100 liters of water (approximately a one month supply) for only 4 cents per page. This means each book can provide a single person with up to four years of clean water. Researchers at Carnegie Mellon and University of Virginia developed a special kind of paper that’s coated in silver nanoparticles, which filter out more than 99.9% of the harmful bacteria and particles endemic in areas with unsanitary drinking water. Check out the video below for a more detailed explanation. Just incredible.


Meanwhile on a less lofty note, Brazilian BBQ company Tramontina has released the ‘Bible Of BBQ’ book which also doubles as a full BBQ utility kit as well as your guide to all things BBQ. Check it out below.




Reuben Halper
5 Cool Things

American Expat In London. Creative Services @ Google (aka Tangozebra) I ♥ creative uses of technology. Author Of 5 Cool Things.