Do A Little Each Day

William Glass
Living a 5 Core Life
3 min readSep 2, 2019

Since April, I’ve been implementing a strategy called “do a little each day.” Simply, the idea is that every day, no matter what, you make progress on your big goals.

The Power of Habit

Research shows the power of habit and repetition is the key to building strong habits. I’ve been taking the fundamentals of habit building. Then taking and applying them to my dreams and goals as a strategy towards attainment. Like many folks, I had no trouble dreaming or talking about what my dreams and goals were. Yet, I would often find that I was no closer to achieving them than the month or year before. Simply, it is easy to talk and a lot harder to actually do.

As a way to combat my stagnation and break the inertia of inaction, I began my strategy of ‘do a little each day’ in May. After 4 months of using this strategy, I can confidently say that I am seeing tremendous progress towards my goals.

As an entrepreneur, I find this idea of doing a little each day a huge help in structuring my time. When you don’t have a boss and are responsible for your own time you have to find ways to overcome inertia. Motivation is extremely important and often comes in waves.

Therefore finding a way to jump-start motivation and turn action into a habit is key to achieving goals.

My Failings

Before I began abiding by this principle, I found my productivity hinged solely on my motivation that day or week. It came down to my ability to power through or be inspired. I’d go months without revisiting my business or important projects. It was easy to get caught up in work and life in general.

Eventually, I came to the realization that I had to make a change. There is no way I would stumble into achieving my dreams or goals if I didn’t make a concentrated effort. That is when I shifted my mindset to focus on the important things in life and doing a little each day.

I began tracking what I did each day and how I’d rank the day on a -2 to 2 scale. This allowed me to see what commonalities led to really amazing days and which ones led to not so great days. Armed with this knowledge I can now structure my days to ensure I habitualize the things that lead to great days.

Shifting to the do a little each day mindset

Implementing a do a little each day strategy can have a large impact on your business and life. First Things First and The One Thing are books that embody this mentality. Each of these titles is about ensuring you do the most important thing on your to-do list. By prioritizing your to-do list and acting on the most important thing versus the easiest or most demanding, you can achieve your goals.

Top performers in their fields understand this concept and work to master the most important parts of their craft. Combining the do a little each day with prioritization will help you achieve your goals!

I’d like to know if you agree or disagree and what your strategies for achieving your goals are. Please feel free to leave a comment.

Originally published at on September 2, 2019.

