#7 Luck and Sleep

Bharat Apat
5 Min Growth


Hello! Hello! Hello again! Whaaaat-is-uuuuuup! Okay, that much extrovertism is enough. Let’s dive into this week’s learnings.

Four types of lucks

Based on this article written by Marc Andreessen, there are four types of lucks:

  1. Luck out of nowhere — It happens randomly without any of your efforts. It is like a blessing.
  2. Luck by motion — You don’t stumble upon things if you are at rest. When you work, you put yourself in motion and expose yourself to more opportunities than being at rest.
  3. Luck by expertise — When you work long enough on one thing, you grow and become an expert. When you understand a domain well, you become skilled in spotting opportunities that are invisible to others.
  4. Luck by personal brand — When you put yourself in front of the public, you allow opportunities/luck to discover you. When you make content on searchable platforms, you don’t know who it can reach, you simply open another door for opportunity to stumble upon you.

How much afternoon nap is best?

20–30 Mins is a good nap duration in the afternoon for nappers

I went through this video and discovered that 20–30 Mins is a good time duration for nappers. We sleep in ~90 Mins cycles that has 4 different stages:

  1. Lightest sleep is when we start to fall asleep.
  2. Light sleep is when body activity reduces and we calm down.
  3. Deep sleep is where activity further reduces and body repair starts. But the activity reduces to such an extent that it becomes difficult to wake up.
  4. REM sleep is where brain activity rises and we see dreams.

There are two types of people, nappers and non-nappers. Nappers are the ones who have distinct sleep stages and get decent light sleep periods. Non-nappers are quite the opposite and tend to move to deep sleep soon. Getting up from deep sleep is difficult and it takes about 10–15 Mins for the body to reset.

The duration of different stages of sleep varies considerably based on when we are sleeping. If you don’t know if you are a napper or not, the only way you can find out is by trying.

If you are interested in optimizing your sleep, this post is a good starting point where I have noted down some good practices to improve sleep.

Alright, that’s all folks.
Let me know if you are liking the content.

Bharat Apat
All works 👉

