Morning musings: July 19

Alexander Nowak
5 Minute Major
Published in
2 min readJul 19, 2020

There ain’t no place like home…

Props to the federal government on standing firm and refusing the Jays’ request to play home games in Toronto.

I don’t believe this is a ‘typical Canadians, they let hockey in but not baseball’ kind of thing. The NHL will be using permanent bubbles. Given the unpredictability of the virus, this was the only logical decision; after all, who can predict what things will be like a month or two, let alone in a week.

(I’m also not shocked that MLB, who have been notoriously terrible during the whole planning phase, doesn’t even have a stadium for one of it’s team less than a week before Opening Night.)

If anything, I’m shocked the municipal and provincial governments OKed this from the get-go. Good ol’ fashioned ‘pass the p̶u̶c̶k buck’ by our politicians, eh?

I wear a mask…

You might not write ad copy, Larry, but I like your idea of a goaltender-centric ‘I am a mask, you should too’ Return to Play CoVid campaign.

The NHL might be wary because it opens the door to criticism that they could have easily heeded doctors’ advice and enforced all players wear full face shields but opted not to, but that’s a whole other point.

In trying times, this is also a time to try something different. This kind of pro-social campaign would be such an easy to way to do it.

Conversely, with the NFL looking at different types of masks when they return, could easily do similarly.



Alexander Nowak
5 Minute Major

I write about sports, marketing, business, pop culture, or whatever tickles my fancy.