Morning musings: July 25

Alexander Nowak
5 Minute Major
Published in
3 min readJul 25, 2020

I really wanted to like it…

Seattle’s new NHL team got it’s avatar: zee Kraken. It’s original, the colours are not completely standard (hooray for not quite black!), the logo is clever and not too busy, but I just can’t get behind. It’s just too… off. The tones of the colour scheme are too strong, the name is too foreign nor representative of Seattle, and it lends itself to too many cheap puns.

A lot of newer franchises have names that haven’t grown on me, either, and popular ones like the Golden Knights might just need more time, but what’s wrong with keeping it simple? Loved the Grizzlies, Raptors, Coyotes, Sharks, Predators (theme much?), and Lightning, amongst others.

In the spirit of ‘it’s so easy to knock down, why not build up?’ I’ll offer that, from SI’s list, I’d have loved Sockeyes, Rainiers, Seals, Evergreens, and Sea Lions, with Emeralds earning a small novelty place in my heart.

p.s. the super vibrant colour scheme would have to follow it, of course.

… and we’re back!

Sorry MLB, your ownership group and infighting lost me long ago. The most socially-aware, on- and off-court exciting, and fan-accessible league in the world, the NBA, is back, and I love it.

Given the circumstances, they’ve done as good a job as expected on the presentation and preparedness for the scrimmage games. The intimacy (read: size) of courts, camera angles, and uniforms certainly help. All said, I’ll be mass consuming these games once the real deal kicks off.

Side note: I eagerly anticipate seeing the free throw shooting percentages post-tournament. I suspect it’ll be within a standard deviation of prior rates, as the fan attempts at distraction end up as white noise.

Side bonus: maybe the lack of home court advantage will motivate fans to come up with even crazier distraction tactics?

A new definition of ‘nosebleeds’…

ICYMI: Polish fans seemed to have killed two birds with one stone: attending live sporting events amidst a global pandemic while also getting over that whole ‘but all I’m seeing is the corner they are turning on’ problem for living car races.

I can only speak for myself, but I would have far more fun playing with the crane than watching the race and by about lap 40, I’d definitely be conducting mental hot air balloon rental feasibility studies.

Pure promo, nothing to add here…

Just a quick props to the collective of celebrities and former players bringing a new NSWL team to LA in 2022… it’s not a league I follow (or sport, outside of international tourneys, for that matter) but if I ever pick it up, I have my favourite team lined up.

Might I suggest the Trend Setters as the official name? Let’s go big, set a nice and high standard of excellence draw the ire of all opposing fans with absolutely characteristically egotistical name. After all, who wants to be the Spurs or the Cubs when you can be the Lakers or the Yankees?

So… maybe not such a surprise I don’t like Kraken, after all?



Alexander Nowak
5 Minute Major

I write about sports, marketing, business, pop culture, or whatever tickles my fancy.