Sweetening the Sales Process

What could pastry shops learn from insurance brokers?

Levente B.
5 minutes
1 min readJan 7, 2016


So, what do pastry shops do? They sell various kinds of baked goods, birthday cakes included. I ordered birthday cakes from various places, but none of them tried to make me a loyal customer. Both the baker and the broker, have all the info they need for this. The broker uses it annoyingly well, the baker isn’t using it at all. All pastry shops had my phone number and knew for who I ordered the cake. And they did nothing.

It’s a no brainer.

You don’t really need any extra resources for this, and you’ll gain some recurring business. Next year call the customers, wish them or their relatives Happy Birthday and ask them if they need a cake, even better ask them what kind of cake would they prefer this year, as they have a x% discount, you know… to incentivize the sale. All you need is a Google Calendar.



Levente B.
5 minutes

Marketeer in the making. Fueled by coffee and a strong desire to learn.