5-Shot Friday for 9/1/17: No (Dire) Wolves, Fixing Civilization, Eating Your Mind, Prepping Meals, and DietDietDiet

Peter L Kim, MD
5 Shot Friday
Published in
2 min readSep 1, 2017

Welcome to the 9/1/17 edition of 5-Shot Friday, a curated handful of health and wellness topics that I hope you find actionable, and at a minimum, thought provoking.

1. Be Dire Wolf Responsible

As you head into Game of Thrones withdrawal for the next year and a half, consider this: there’s been a surge in buying huskies as pets, and GoT allegiance be darned, this is NOT a great idea for the majority of novice dog owners:

“Fans across the country can’t get enough of Game of Thrones, but the show has sparked an alarming trend: an increased demand for huskies because of their physical similarities to direwolves. Adoring viewers are buying the dogs from pet stores and breeders (often naming them after their favorite characters), then — after realizing how much work and commitment are required to care for them — dumping them at shelters already bursting at the seams with homeless dogs.”

If the great outdoors and literally running around 12–15,000 steps a day are foreign to you, a husky is not the dog for you.

2. How Do You Fix Civilization?

Salim Ismail, founding executive director of Singularity University, gives a 19 minute interview on what a technology thought leader finds fundamentally “broken” about how we view our society’s future, and what can be done to turn the ship around.

High level stuff, but heady good, if understanding where tech is leading us is important to you.

3. Eat Your Mind

Mindfulness in eating pays the body big dividends

There’s a tendency to wolf tasty food as an afterthought. Weight gain is the least of the consequences.

Fight it.

4. Meal Prepping Like A Boss

Sometimes what works pretty darn well is what worked well before. Generations of moms have done this every weekend to prep chow for the clan.

Gather healthy ingredients, cook enough for several servings all at once, package and refrigerate or freeze.

Consume as needed. Stay on track with consistent, healthy eating.


5. Actors On Diet…And Diet…

Say what you will about actors perhaps not being the best examples of humanity — they have to be ultra-serious and professional when it comes to looking good. If they’re not being paid to be smart, kind, and stable, they ARE being paid — or ruthlessly fired and passed-over — to deliver on what many of us struggle to achieve: weight loss and muscle gain.

Some common themes from what the pros do.

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Peter L Kim, MD
5 Shot Friday

Dr. Kim is a sports medicine trained, part of the Paleo physician’s network, and serves as the Medical Director for the Family Care Center.