5-Shot Friday: Good Enough For Google, MySHUTi, Vertical Farming, n-Dimensional Brains, and Checking At Checkout

Peter L Kim, MD
5 Shot Friday
Published in
4 min readJun 16, 2017

Welcome to the June 16th edition of 5-Shot Friday.

1. Meditation: Fight Burnout, Boost Creativity

Meditation Fight Burnout

Google may have a reputation for being one of the coolest places to work, but their employees don’t necessarily have it easy. Their programmers log long hours and work intensely on projects requiring the utmost in concentration — like their newest self-driving car project.

This Wired magazine article describes how one employee teaching the “woo woo” practice of meditation convinced Google that its benefits went way beyond relaxation.

“At first, his colleagues were reluctant. They questioned what, if anything, a mystical, new-age, candlelit, deep-chanting practice could do for them. But it wasn’t long before Tan’s colleagues learned that mindfulness — which of course is none of the things we just mentioned — had the power to change the way they worked and lived. Soon, Googlers who went through Tan’s class were raving about its benefits. They felt calmer, clear-headed, and more focused. They were able to unplug at the end of the day and even detach enough so that weekends and vacations became truly rejuvenating.”

“Word spread quickly through the halls of Google about Search Inside Yourself, and it wasn’t long before demand for the course surpassed Tan’s ability to teach it, something he was doing in addition to his engineering job. Google’s leadership team couldn’t help but notice the benefits of Search Inside Yourself, either. Their employees were healthier, happier, and more productive. They approached Tan and asked him if he’d be interested in teaching mindfulness meditation full-time…”

2. Trouble Sleeping? How About An Online Coach?

Trouble in sleeping

Shuti (pronounced “shut eye”) is referenced as “the best-studied program” by Harvard Health for retraining your mind and body to counteract insomnia.

Short for “Sleep Healthy Using The Internet,” it’s an online program that changes your approach to bedtime, without using controlled substance, addicting drugs — no sleeping pills to risk crashing your car in the morning, or stumbling and breaking something in the middle of the night.

The program is online, based on solid science, and tailored to your situation: “Start your journey back to restful nights and alert days. SHUTi is a safe, effective alternative to long-term medication for insomnia and can be used as a self-help program or in combination with treatment from your doctor, even if you are currently using sleep medication.”

3. Vertical Farming Is A Thing

Vertical Farming

MIT grad student Juliana Philippa Kerrest spent a summer internship working at AeroFarms in Newark, N.J., and had a front row seat to what may be the food production wave of the future:

“A farm producing two million pound of leafy greens prompts an image of rural acres, tractors, and high volume irrigation systems. But that image is being disrupted. Picture instead a 70,000-square-foot warehouse, technicians dressed in cleanroom suits, and stacks upon stacks of plant beds bathed in LED lighting.”

“AeroFarms’ Newark, N.J., facility sits on barely 1.5 acres, yet promises to produce as much food as 120 acres of traditional farmland, using 95 percent less water, and no soil or pesticides, with harvests year-round.”

As the Earth’s human population continues to grow, so will the need for increasing food production. Like it or not, however you value organic, non-GMO, and pastured food sources, solutions like this are inevitable.

4. Your Brain And WAY Higher Math

Your Brain And WAY Higher Math

I topped out in college studying n-dimensional, multivariate mathematical analysis — fascinating stuff, but I wasn’t destined to be a mathematician or physicist. But the concept of multidimensional ways of representing information is less complex than it sounds: think “my shopping list” equating to a listing of 4 types of information, like vegetables (e.g. celery, white cabbage, broccoli, etc), paper products (e.g. toilet paper, Kleenex, paper towels, etc), dairy products (e.g. milk, half and half, butter, etc), and alcohol (e.g. scotch, beer, wine, etc). That shopping list is a 4-dimensional data construct, and as you’d expect when dealing with things like predicting the weather or modeling the stock market, the more variables or dimensions you add, the way more complicated things get.

The brain, as it turns out, models things in at least 11 different dimensions.

5. Tweet Of The Week: from @daniel_kraft

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Peter L Kim, MD
5 Shot Friday

Dr. Kim is a sports medicine trained, part of the Paleo physician’s network, and serves as the Medical Director for the Family Care Center.