I’ve been thinking about you and some of the challenges that may be in your way and I was really present to the feeling of burnout.

I know very well how it feels to be in the rat are and constantly DOING DOING DOING and forgetting to simply CONNECT and BE.

If you’re not sure what being burned out feels like, here are some of the symptoms: depression, exhaustion, frustration, cynicism, inner emptiness, withdrawal, neglecting one’s own needs, and working harder.

Are you working yourself to the bone and end up feeling completely burned out?

You’re NOT alone!

If that’s you, I have a few tips that’ll support you.

  • Unplug. Taking a day away from technology goes a LONG way. Do a tech detox where you unplug from technology altogether. If the idea of being unplugged for a day scares you I have news for ya. What happens when you leave your iPhone in the charger all day and all night? If you don’t know here’s the answer. It burns out! Machines cannot be plugged in ALL the time. We are HUMAN BEINGS, not machines. So unplug. ;)
  • Take a break throughout the day. This can be in the form of going out for a walk, listening or dancing to music, chatting with a friend. Switch it up.
  • Get some exercise and meditate. Both exercising and meditation will support you with feeling and being connected with yourself and what truly matters in life (mind/body/spirit connection).
  • Remember to have some FUN! Make a list of the things that you enjoy and love doing and make it a put to do at least 1 of them every single day. You will feel fulfilled and joyful when you do. :)
  • Detox and eliminate distractions and relationships that do not serve you. Are you familiar with the crabs in the bucket story? If not, here it goes.

One sunny afternoon a man was walking along the beach and saw another man fishing in the surf with a bait bucket beside him. As he drew closer, he saw that the bait bucket had no lid and had live crabs inside. “Why don’t you cover your bait bucket so the crabs won’t escape?” he asked. “You don’t understand.” the man replied, “If there is one crab in the bucket it would surely crawl out very quickly. However, when there are many crabs in the bucket, if one tries to crawl up the side, the others will grab hold of it and pull it back down so that it will share the same fate as the rest of them.”

Can you relate to this story? Who are the crabs in the bucket who are pulling you down from what you WANT and what truly matters to you?

You are so worth of taking your dreams on the bullet train. Do you wanna take your dreams on the bullet train?

I invite you to really take the time to incorporate these strategies so you can free yourself up to create new and exciting things in your life.

P.S. What is it costing you for not stepping up to your dreams? When will you and your dreams become a high enough priority? If not now, then when? Comment below with what resonated with you the most.



Zina Solomon
Connect with Your Vision, Values, Life Purpose, and Dreams

Life & Business Coach | Transformational Leader | Voice Actor | Author - Unlock your potential by turning your FEAR into FUEL in 5 Keys: bit.ly/Fear2Fuel