You Don’t Have to Let Fear Win

5 Tips to Overcome Anxiety as a Christian

Photo by James L.W on Unsplash



We’ve all felt it.

For some it lasts for but a fleeting moment. Others, it paralyzes them.

Every day is like war for you. Instead of enjoying the simple things of life, you endure them with knots in your stomach and weight on your lungs.

People tell you to “just relax” or “there’s nothing to worry about.”

You know this already, but they could never understand nor grasp what it’s really like.

Hey, I get it. I’ve been there.

I know what it feels like to be a prisoner in your own mind. Like you aren’t capable of being the person you truly are anymore. I used to be tormented by that same fear.

Back then, I considered myself a normal, carefree teenager. One day at school I was doing a group presentation. I felt a type of immeasurable horror and dread that I had never experienced in my entire life. Sure, I had been nervous and queasy before, but this was something far worse. My heart felt like it was going to burst and my organs were shutting down on me. Every cell in my body was screaming at me to run out of that classroom and flee for my life. Thankfully, I didn’t do that and spared myself some humiliation points.

After that day, it was just a continual down-wards spiral. I couldn’t even do normal everyday things or have a fun day with my friends at the mall without feeling like I was going to die. After two years of enduring the same torment, my turning point for me was when I began to truly seek Jesus.

As the body of Christ, we are responsible for looking after each other. Dealing with mental struggles like anxiety and depression can often be overlooked. As a Christian who has endured this, it is my desire to help others and spread hope to those who may be in the same place I once was.

Here are five Christ-centered tips that can help you conquer anxiety:

I. Acknowledge it

A common mistake we as humans make when dealing with any kind of sickness, is that we want to hide it. We tend to mask things or suffer in silence in fear of judgement, embarrassment, or appearing weak. When I was dealing with anxiety and panic, I kept it to myself and would be experiencing attacks in everyday situations while others around me had no idea what was happening to me internally.

Acknowledging that anxiety is a problem is the first step. By calling out the fear, you’re already taking the initiative of weakening its power by bringing it to light. It’s like looking at the fear straight in the face and telling it,

“I see you, and I know you’re there. But now it’s time for you to start packing your bags, because things are about to change.”

II. Be aware of everything that goes in and out of your mind

Our minds are much more powerful than we realize. It all starts with your thoughts.

2 Corinthians 10:5 says,

“We can demolish every deceptive fantasy that opposes God and break through every arrogant attitude that is raised up in defiance of the true knowledge of God. We capture, like prisoners of war, every thought and insist that it bow in obedience to the Annointed One.” (TPT)

No matter what it is, no thought should go unchecked in your mind. The way we think and the health of our minds affects our well being in numerous ways we often aren’t aware of. You may not always feel the immediate effects of your thoughts, but the extreme anxiety you are struggling with is the product of all your accumulated negative thinking. What we read, watch and listen to are all things going inside us.

Our eyes and ears are the main gateways to our soul, which is why it’s vital to be mindful of what we are allowing in.

When I was at my lowest dealing with anxiety, I remember always listening to the most depressing music. I thought sad, angst music was an outlet for my fear and sorrow, but it only fed into the poisonous mindset. If any thoughts you have don’t line up with God’s word, they’re not from Him. The only way to renew our minds is through His word. Not the world’s word, nor what any human has to say. Any time a thought you KNOW is fueled by fear manifests, you need to grab that thing by the neck, analyze it through God’s word, and throw it across the room.

III. Take care of your physical body

There’s a reason God wasn’t the one who created fast food.

Take care of your body. I know it’s easier said than done, but it will help you tremendously. Do what you have to do to remember to eat actual meals and not just candy or comfort food. I was at my lowest (and most malnourished) weight of my entire life during the season of anxiety I went through. My digestion system was constantly imbalanced which only resulted in making things harder for me mentally and emotionally.

In addition, consider seeking out any vitamins and supplements that will help in strengthening you physically. There are several wonderful ones out there. Chronic stress takes a debilitating toll and was the reason why I invested in anti-stress supplements that really helped in repairing my nervous system.

IV. Acknowledge the spiritual

Behind all the self-care and mindset work, is a war-waged world that our eyes cannot see. Satan hates our guts and loves to use fear as a weapon against us. Know this though: No matter how intense the attacks may feel, no matter how many of his minions he sends to harass you, he cannot take you out. At the end of the day, his lies and harassment are merely intimidation tactics.

Did you know that Satan is afraid of you? It’s funny how all it takes is for him and his demons to get a glimpse of the calling the Lord has placed on your life, in order for them to become stricken with fear and desperation to stop you. While there’s the bad guys on the other side, there’s also the good guys. Including the creator of the universe, who is on your side.

During times of adversity such as anxiety and panic, it’s important to stay focused on the word and spend time in prayer. Saturate your way of thinking with thoughts from the Holy Spirit. He is with you wherever you go.

V. Realize your brokenness is a blessing in disguise

I used to be so ashamed of myself and the weakness that came from the anxiety. I remember thinking,

“Why me?”

I had a wonderful family, kind friends, and a roof over my head. Nothing traumatic had ever happened to me to provoke such suffering, so why? It didn’t make sense, and I was angry for awhile because of it. I was jealous of my friends that seemed to be so carefree and effortlessly happy.

“Why couldn’t I be like that?”

I’ll be honest, I was not close with the Lord during my time of suffering. However, when I finally decided to truly seek Him, that’s when things began to change for me. Gradually, He revealed to me how the anxiety had caused me to grow closer to Him and develop a bond that is so precious between only He and I. Before I went through all that I did, I didn’t actually know Him. I only knew of Him, but not who He was.

Your pain is never in vain

The trials we endure sharpen us, and the affliction from this fear is only forging your soul into something much greater. Lay out the pieces of your brokenness before His throne, and watch as He restores you in a way that only His love can do. Jesus yearns to be more intimate with you than you are right now. Know that He has heard your cries, and He has bottled up every tear. He is waiting for you to fully turn to Him so He can water the harvest of your future.

How wonderful it is that the almighty creator of the universe wants us to come to Him!

He has called you to something wondrous beyond fear, so trust in His process and know that He loves you more than your mind can comprehend. So get out there, tell Satan to shut up with His lies and brush off his peasant demons. With what greatness God has called us to, the devil only played himself.

Avert your eyes to the Lord, for He is with you always!

