5 ways to boost your chances to get a place in a top UK university this summer

Do you want to get a place at a top UK university? Whether you are about to go in your final or penultimate year of high school, you want to make sure you use your summer to boost your chances and become a more competitive applicant.

As an LSE and Oxford graduate and someone who advised applicants who made it to Oxford, Cambridge, LSE, UCL and other top UK universities, I give you 5 tips that will help your application based on my own experience and on that of the successful applicants I helped over the course of the last three years.

1. Get a job

Probably the best way to boost your chances of getting accepted to some of the best UK universities is to get a relevant job experience in the two summers before you apply.

For one, a job experience will help you to discover whether you like the field of study you are considering. You want to study management? Intern in a local business, or shadow in a larger company (check out, for example, https://careers.jpmorgan.com/global/en/students/programs/aspiring-professionals). You are into languages? Get a position with a local language school.

Whatever you choose to do, having a working experience will hugely beneficial. It will help you articulate what exactly you are interested in about the programme you are applying to. It will be hugely beneficial in adding substance to your personal statement and in giving you great examples you can use during the interviews.

2. Volunteer

An equally valuable experience is to volunteer. Just like a work experience, it will add substance to your application and will generally boost your CV, making you a more competitive applicant. An additional benefit is that volunteering showcases that you are a responsible citizen and that you will be a great addition to the university’s community.

A great place to look for volunteering positions are your local community. You should also consider volunteering with your school — organise a charity event, for example. If you are feeling more adventurous and want to spend a bit more time volunteering, consider programmes like the International Citizen Service: https://www.volunteerics.org/.

3. Talk to current students and graduates

A great way to learn more about the programmes you are considering applying to is to talk to current students and graduates. Reach out to the department at your prospective universities and ask them to connect you with currents students and alumni.

Don’t know what to ask them? Try these questions: https://www.southwales.ac.uk/story/1821/

4. Read a lot & build up your general knowledge

Read widely around the subjects you are interested in. Make sure you check out recommended lists the departments of your choice recommend, e.g.: https://www.ox.ac.uk/admissions/undergraduate/courses/suggested-reading-and-resources?wssl=1

Also make sure you have a wide general knowledge. Be careful — this takes a lot of time to build up. Use the summers before you apply to read a lot of newspapers. Watch documentaries. Travel. Ask lots of questions and practice curiosity.

5. Introspect

Reflect on what those experiences do with you. How do they make you feel? What did you learn? How does it change the way you think about your study choices?

A deep introspection will ultimately lead to a better choice of university and course and will lead to a more fulfilling experience.

Confused what you should do next? For advice, feel free to reach out to me at j.alexander.ton@gmail.com!

