5 Ways to Change Your Marketing for the Holidays

Amanda Blair Davis
5 Ways to Marketing
2 min readNov 22, 2016

With the holiday season right around the corner (we all know Christmas started in October, actually), it’s important to understand how your marketing should ebb and flow with the season. Here are 5 ways to change your marketing for the holidays:


Holiday marketing rule #1: discount during the holiday season. You don’t necessarily have to keep up with the big box stores who can afford to slash prices in the double digits, but you should offer some kind of discount, special package, or other draw. This is the season where people are extremely willing to try new things, explore additional services, or buy out of their norm, simply because of a deal. Give them a good one and you may have a new year-round customer.

Adjust your focus

The holidays are all about family, so instead of marketing with a focus on your products or services, focus on the family angle. Play up how your products (or services) are going to provide togetherness, enhance their family experience, and help them make memories. Tis the season, after all.

Go big (and go home)

If there were ever a time to make a grand gesture with your marketing, this is it. Pull a big stunt. Increase your ad spend. Play into black Friday and Cyber Monday. Send more emails. Get to your customers and potential customers while they’re in their homes, and give them a sense of urgency. Use key phrases like “buy now” and “before the deal is gone” to target the impulse buyer.

It’s a party

For social platforms (if you’re not, this is a whole ‘nother issue that needs to be corrected, you can see our social media guidebook for that) it’s okay to be more “outgoing” during the season. Get to know your followers. Be personal and wish them a joy filled season. Connect with them on a family level. It’s the thing that most people are focused on right now, so use that to your advantage.

If you’re a physical business, throw a holiday party or some kind of open house. This way, if you don’t already know a lot of your customers, you’ll get to know them. If you do, they’ll get to know each other.

Add a personal touch

You should already be taking advantage of personalization tools, but if you’re not, now is the time. Nothing shows holiday cheer like getting messaging from a business that knows who you are. There are several different types of personalization tools that can be used so you can be sure to nail this aspect. Check out this article from Smart Insights for more information.

