5 Ways to Develop a Killer Digital Marketing Campaign

Amanda Blair Davis
5 Ways to Marketing
3 min readNov 14, 2016

Digital marketing is now an essential part, if not the core, of strong marketing campaigns. With low cost and high returns, it’s easy to see why digital strategies do so well for companies. Here are 5 ways to develop a killer digital marketing campaign:


Developing strong marketing emails is one of the easiest ways to get a quick win in any digital marketing strategy. With email, you’re in the inbox of your customers (or potential customers) along with their friends, family, and anything else the subscribe to, which is the perfect place to be.

The key to making great emails is automation, personalization, and relevance. Keep your message short and easily digestible, with apparent calls to action like “click here” or “shop now.” Visually, they should be beautiful, load easily, and format to any mobile platform (think iOS, android, etc). You can automate by scheduling various emails in advance, or using landing or other pages on your website to trigger a follow up email. Add customization like full name and targeting content to previous purchases or interests and you’ve got yourself a winning email.

Social Media

With its next-to-nothing costs and massive reach, social media is one of the best, if not THE best, way to reach your target audience digitally. Almost everyone is on some kind of social media platform, and log-on rates are continuing to skyrocket. Use sponsored ads, visually appealing (there’s a theme here) content, contests, click bait, hashtags, trending topics, satire, among others to nail the social media game.

If you’re using traditional advertising, some portion of that should translate to social media as well. Strong continuity across platforms ensures that your audience recognizes you and that you’re able to continue to provide value to them across multiple platforms. Alternatively, however, be sure to to create channel-specific content, engagement, and rewards to keep your audience checking on you in all places.

For more info on running social media, request a copy of our Social Media Guidebook.

Banner Ads

Banner ads can be used as a form of digital marketing to reach your audience on a platform belonging to an industry affiliate. Here, you want to think short and sweet, use buttons and headlines, and colors that help you stand out. Typically used within emails or web pages, banner ads can drive traffic to your website, but make sure you have a landing page (or various pages) developed so you can track metrics.


Now that the IOT (Internet of things) is a go-to source of information for most people, it’s important for companies to have a strong thought leadership presence to remain competitive and attract new customers. Positioning yourself as a leader in whatever space you’re in is a strategic move that, paired with other aspects of your digital campaign, will more than pay off in the long run. Use blogs, white papers, and other similar methods of thought leadership to drive distribution list growth, consumer subscriptions (that can be used for your emails), and followers on social media; AKA a strong digital presence.


SEO (search engine optimization) is a massive part of digital marketing. While it’s not often segmented into specific campaigns (although it can be: think competitive advantage, PPC/CPC campaigns) a strong SEO presence gets your company at the top of the search ranges on engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo (the last two are no longer mutually exclusive).

Build your SEO presence by researching appropriate keywords and building those into the rest of your campaigns. Use them in your banner ads, blog and social media posts, etc to register the connection between those keywords and your company. Additionally, if you have a physical location, you’ll want to have that added to things like Google maps and properly cateogorized so your business shows up in location searches. To top it off, tag your location in social posts to help boost your SEO and location ranking.

