5 Ways to Use Instagram for Business

Amanda Blair Davis
5 Ways to Marketing
3 min readOct 5, 2016

Instagram has long been known as the app you can use to add cool filters to your pictures, but did you know it can also be used as a powerful business tool? Here are 5 ways you can use Instagram for business.

Trending Topics

Along with Twitter, the Instagram app was one of the first to use trending topics. Symbolized by the use of the hashtag (#), trending topics are searchable terms that allow your post to be shared across the site. For example #socialmedia will link your picture to all posts using that specific trending topic. For business, finding your industry’s most popular tending topics and using them in your posts will put you right in front of the right audience, even if they’re not following you. But beware, trending topics fill up fast with images, so be sure to post your best images to get the most likes, and post frequently (max 3x per day) to keep yourself at the top of the list.

Sponsored Posts

Recently, Instagram added sponsored posts to keep up with the likes of other social media advertising. Using this option allows you to practically force your image in the feed of your selected audience. Sponsored posts show up in every feed, and get you wide visibility. Choose your budget, timeline, and best images and off you go!


If you look carefully, Instagram allows you to add your location to your posts. For physical businesses, adding your location tells people where you’re located, but can also get your posts shown to people in that area. With the increase of location technology, your business analytics should include targeting your marketing to the people in your radius. This applies to all social media, but can be especially useful on Facebook and Instagram.


One of the most useful tools on Instagram is to share your posts directly to your other social media accounts. Link them once, and it’s so easy to cross promote your content it’s almost a crime not to. Sharing your pictures to your Facebook, Twitter, Flikr, Tumblr, or any other mediums you might use is an easy, convenient, and effective way to ensure continuity.

Instagram Patterns

If you look at some of the accounts of the most successful businesses, there is a story that’s being told. There are several patterns that can be used on Instagram (i.e. picture, quote, logo, etc) and each one is specifically designed to set a tone and communicate product benefits, company vision, and more. Take a look at the mission and vision of your company and decide on a tone. Do you want to share professional pictures of your product or service only, or do you also want to share customer photos? Do you want to post applicable or inspiring quotes? Do you want to share videos? Answering these questions can be a big step in helping you form the content for your social media accounts, and can help you get clarity in how you’re communicating across marketing platforms. Check out companies like @Nike, @hurley, @liketoknowit for some inspiration.

