Week 4: Help prepare a meal for a youth homeless shelter

Joe Greenheron
50 Acts of Chesed
Published in
2 min readOct 31, 2017
What was left of our meal after 50+ hungry teens ate their fill

There’s a roving program in Seattle called Teen Feed, where various places of worship host homeless teens for dinner. Not only do they get a warm meal and a dry place to eat it, but there are social workers who provide counseling, clothing, etc.

Tonight was our synagogue’s turn. I helped prep, set up, and especially serve the food. It was great being on the other side of the “would you like sour cream with that?” question. Peeling away all the layers of age, privilege, power, etc. there’s something so warm about serving food to another person.

By and large, the teens were polite and appreciative. I overheard them discussing politics during the meal, and although their language was a bit rough, it was great to hear that they’re politically engaged.

One young man, however, said “You know the food in prison is better than this?” That shut me up for a second, long enough to realize there was no polite way to reply to that. I didn’t volunteer to get thanks and appreciation lavished on me, so if one guy doesn’t like the food, that’s OK.

I’ll admit it was a bit awkward to do a couple hours of volunteering, and then ride away on my bike, leaving these teens to whatever the streets have in store for them tonight. I’m glad I could have made a small difference in their day, but it makes me wonder how to make a larger impact…

