(7) Out of Order

Nicole Willson
50-Word Horror Stories, Vol. 2
1 min readOct 5, 2019
Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

(A horror story in 50 words.)

The elevator doesn’t stop at the ground floor. I hammer the red STOP button, but it plunges even faster. My stomach lurches.

Jabbing the intercom button, I scream for help. Staticky growls answer me.

The elevator halts so fast I fall down. And then bloody claws pry the doors apart.

(Inspired by Charlotte Franklin.)

Hi, everyone. I’ve decided to try my hand at more of these, just for fun this time. Hope you enjoy. If you missed Volume One, you can find it here. If you’d like to be notified when I put up a new story and get any other news I have to share (plus a short story just for signing up), please click here to join my mailing list.

