Day 12: Turning lemons into waves

Kimmy Brooke
Fifty, Fit and Fabulous
4 min readFeb 17, 2018
Morning Stillness

Glassy long rides. Clear, calm water. Wave after wave after wave. This is why we chose the Maldives.

Today is Richard’s first day of surfing. Ever.

Land Swell

The first day is the hardest. Paddling. Catching. Standing. Things that seem so natural become incredibly unnatural. But not in the Maldives because we picked the best surfing conditions possible. Or so we thought.

After one of the most delicious breakfast’s my tummy has tasted we head to surf school.

Nature’s Goodness

K.C. and his wife Asia will be our guides, teachers, and surf gurus for the next 6 days. Immediately we love them.

Richard has a video lesson, a land lesson and a lagoon lesson before we load the boat and head to Honky’s. We will get very familiar with Honky’s over the next week as we come to find out the season doesn't really start till next month. You know, the one with glassy long rides, clear, calm water, and wave after wave after wave.

Better Here Than There

Our entire trip has been planned around this week. The idea of surfing every day for seven, with no distractions is my IDEAL Fifty, Fit, and Fabulous celebration. My heart is pumping and I can’t wait to get to the surf spot regardless of how imperfect it is.

As we approach our destination, K.C. lets us know there’s a strong current and we‘ll need to continuously paddle to stay in the line up. Hmm. Not the best news, especially for Richard. In my mind I begin to project my Switzerland Ski experience onto my unknowing husband. Luckily, due to his unfamiliarity with the sport, it’s like he’s hearing Chinese.
He just smiles, grabs his board, and hops in. Gotta love him.

The wind is starting to pick up and conditions are less than favorable. But hey. We are in the Maldives, bathwater blue ocean, and we are going surfing! Current, wind, rain can’t bring me down.

I realize here in this moment, why I love this sport so much. Besides the fact there’s no better feeling than being up on the wave riding it, it’s a place where you’re connected to nature, connected to each other, and genuinely rooting for everyone to win. Comradery at it’s finest.

On his first attempt, Richard not only catches, but stands up and surfs the wave! I am cheering and hollering with joy as he rides by. With every wave after, I champion and celebrate him with a holler of wooooooohoooooooo!

Regardless of the conditions, I am home in the ocean and loving this experience with my husband.
The look on his face isn’t saying the same. Surfing is exhausting in these conditions and I can see day one is done.

I’m hoping he’s a yes for tomorrow.
Like a good glass of wine or an amazing piece of chocolate, you can never get enough once you get the bug. He hasn’t caught it quite yet.

We spend the afternoon relaxing and enjoying a refreshing lunch. Both of us can hardly lift our arms.

Strawberry Lassi

Oh. And Gong hei fat choy! (Happy New Year) The Emperor told me if I took his picture, I’d be well. The next time we ran into him, he said I’d be lucky. And next, I’d be rich. No doubt tomorrow will bring exactly the waves we desire!

Give me a clap and a comment if you’re enjoying our journey so far.

Cheers to being Fifty, Fit, and Fabulous!

