Day 16: Spontaneous Creatures of Habit

Kimmy Brooke
Fifty, Fit and Fabulous
3 min readFeb 20, 2018
Ali my Friend

He handed me my morning bowl and let me know he was heading to Sri Lanka for Holiday. This would be our last hoorah. Ali and I became fast friends through my noodle addiction. It’s how I start each day here in
Kuda Huraa.

As I headed to my table I began thinking about the funny contradiction of our spontaneous journey.

Even though we’re headed where the wind blows, with every stop, we become creatures of habit. Setting our routine like little animals would to get comfy in their nest.

Our routine is here is pretty set.
Wake at 4, work til 7:30 or 8.
Brekkie at 9, always at “our table”
Noodles with Ali for me, an omelette for Richard.

Surfing at 1:00
Dinner at 4:30 ish
Sunset Lounge at 6:00 for Backgammon
Bed by 7:30. Yes. Bed by 7:30!

The idea that Ali won’t be there tomorrow, or that we may not get “our table” or that surfing might change times, sort of throws us for a loop. Funny. Does this happen for you?

Today we shook things up a bit. Not too much but just enough to live on the edge. Our morning was status quo. Brekkie then Surfing.

The waves dropped in size but it was still a blast. Wave after wave after wave. Bliss followed by exhaustion. Exactly what I pictured this trip to be about.

We had our early dinner then got a little wild and had the “celebratory pina coladas” sent to our room vs the usual sunset and backgammon.

Both of our bodies have taken a serious beating over the last 5 days so we opted for a massage.

A boat picked us up and jetted us over to the private island where the spa is situated.

Exquisite doesn’t do it justice. Listening to the lapping water, as colorful fish swam below added an entirely new element to relaxation. Pretty sure we will have to make a second visit before we head to Malaysia on Thursday.

We call it a night and climb into bed an hour later than usual. Guess we still got it in us. The spontaneous part that is.
Peaceful, grateful, and open for what twists tomorrow may offer.
Brekkie won’t be quite the same without Ali.

Cheers to being Fifty, Fit, and Fabulous!

