Day 23: Found my Wings and a Whole Lot More

Kimmy Brooke
Fifty, Fit and Fabulous
3 min readMar 2, 2018

Today is a travel day. Not a “one flight and we’re there” kinda day. More like, “leave at 11:00 am and land a day later” kinda day.

I LOVE these kind of days. They are always so full of adventure and unknowns. Rb not so much. The flying part he can do without.

The first flight is three and a half hours. Rb sleeps the entire time and I, unfortunately, have packed my book. Arg! What to do! I decide to scroll through the first 22 days of photos. What a journey we have had so far and we aren’t even half way done. I begin to daydream of all that lies ahead.

We land and transfer to the international terminal which feels like a mini city. Millions of people hustling by. I have a flashback from childhood when I got lost and have a moment of panic. It quickly subsides but leaves me in my head thinking about my childhood.

When I was in preschool I got the role of the lead angel in our Christmas play. Ever since, my mom has called me her angel. In my teens however, I was a rascal. My mom would say “what happened to my little angel?”

Well, I found my wings in the Singapore airport as we waited to board our third flight of the day! See mom. I’m still the little angel you thought I was.

Still a Bit of Devil in There

Singapore airport is like the largest shopping mall you’ve ever been to. Your wish is their command, just pass through security and away you may go.

We haven’t really done any shopping on this trip but his eyes lite up when we come across this particular shop.

What we HAVE indulged in is massive self care. It’s the place we know is well worth the investment. Loving on ourselves and our bodies. We stop for a foot massage. One of the best I’ve ever had. Rested and relaxed we’re ready to get to Perth.

Love me Some Rubbin

We board the plane and are beyond excited. Even Richard. Singapore airlines knows how to do it right! It’s gonna be a great finish to an exhilarating day!

He’s Just a Big Kid

When we wake we will be Down Unda.

Cheers to being Fifty Fit and Fabulous!

