Day 25: The Midpoint

Kimmy Brooke
Fifty, Fit and Fabulous
2 min readMar 5, 2018

We are at the midpoint of our journey. 25 days traveled and 25 more to go. While it seems like we’ve been gone forever, at the same time, the days have passed like a flash. I love being lost in time. No idea of the day or where we will be next. We are finally settling into our groove. Packing, unpacking, and packing again is the norm and gets easier with each departure. This is exactly the adventure I envisioned.

Kissed by the Sun

Perth has treated us well. Full days with friends, touring, boat rides, delicious meals, business success, and LOVE. As we head out, I feel a sweet sadness. Our visit was far too short and yet we are ready to discover the unknown. Our home to be!

The Best of Friends

The Treasury will be a tough act to follow. True perfection at it’s finest!

25 days remain. We pop into Melbourne for a hot minute then off to the Gold Coast to explore.

We’ve decided to brave it and rent a car. We will be THAT couple on the road. Aussies don’t drive on the same side as us Americans.

Any tips on driving down unda are greatly appreciated.
We‘ll be heading North of Brisbane first to explore Mooloolaba and Noosa.
If you’ve been to either, please advise!

Would you love to spend a week with us this summer?

Time to get our FIT back on as we hit the beaches and explore! Salads, sweat, and sunshine coming our way!

Cheers to being Fifty, Fit, and Fabulous!

