Day 49: Short is the New Long

Kimmy Brooke
Fifty, Fit and Fabulous
3 min readMar 29, 2018

After 48 days of feeling like a scragle head, I decide it’s time for a fresh look to close out my FIFTY day adventure.

I wander the streets of Beverly Hills until I’m intuitively guided into Gavert Atelier. Having many a bad hair experience over the years, I enter with a tinge of apprehension but I figure if it’s good enough for the stars, it’s good enough for me.

As luck would have it, I am able to get squeezed in for a cut and color. This is virtually impossible. But not for me. Not today. Hiro is my stylist and his story is fascinating. He owned his own salon in Japan and decided to move to LA two years ago to experience more diversity. He did so knowing no one, AND knowing no English.

It amazes me to learn what people are willing to do and even more so, what they are capable of. For the next year he taught himself English by watching videos on YouTube. He became licensed in California so he could cut hair (no easy task) and landed a job at one of the best salons in Beverly Hills. This man has drive!

The moment he puts me under the sink to wash my hair, I know. He has magic hands. It’s gonna be a great day.

Kathy, the colorist, is equally as gifted and by the end of my experience I have 2 new friends. I feel like I’ve cheated on Renee, my stylist back home but I’m ready to take on the world. I decide short is the new long, just like 50 is the new 30.

Feeling fresh and fab, I head over to the Santa Monica area and stumble upon the local farmers market. It’s happening. Music, amazing fruits and veggies, flowers, food stands, protesters; you name it, it’s here.


I enjoy the vibrant colors that pop amidst the vendors and even though I don’t buy anything, I’m as content as those who scurry to fill their carts. I could wander for hours. So I do.

I get back to the hotel to greet Hailey from “the real world” of a long 9 hour work day. She is glowing. She’s excited, eager, passionate about what she’s learning. My heart thumps an extra beat seeing her so jazzed.

This internship is top notch and is teaching her everything she needs to know about the entertainment world. I find out that out of 1500 applicants only 15 have been selected. I realize at this moment just how special this opportunity is.

Gotta Love Tacos

We head to dinner at Javier’s, a swanky Mexican spot that’s hopping. We enjoy a tasty meal and head back to our home base for a swim in the pool. Earlier today this was the set for an unknown movie.

Quiet on the set!

I’ve had 2 sightings this visit. Larry David, the creator of Seinfeld, and Howard Stern, the radio talk show host. I’ve been to L.A. many many times, in fact I even lived here for a year after college, but this visit has been especially juicy all the way around.

Tomorrow’s the day. The big FIVE - O. Feeling a little sad that this chapter is almost over. However one of you will help to keep the torch burning. Aussie style. So curious who that will be.

Cheers to being Fifty, Fit, and Fabulous!

