Days 36–39: It’s Not About the Birthday After All

Kimmy Brooke
Fifty, Fit and Fabulous
4 min readMar 18, 2018
Come to Life

We met Jodi in the hallway as we were on our way out. We had just finished speaking to a room of bright eyed business builders. Since Young Living has just launched in New Zealand, the people who attended will be at the forefront of the growth here for years to come. Exciting times.

Had we left minutes, even seconds earlier, we would have missed her. But there she was, at 10 pm, putting a beautiful bouquet of flowers on the welcome table next door. Synchronicity at it’s finest.

Meet Jodi

250 entrepreneurs from all types of businesses would be arriving in the morning and we were invited to attend Roger Hamilton’s
New Zealand Entrepreneur Summit.

We had to decide. Would we go sightseeing and enjoy New Zealand, or would we spend a day inside, at a seminar.

We chose the seminar. And just like that the trajectory of our lives was about to change.

We had no idea what to expect upon arrival in the morning. We made a pact we would leave by noon if it was too rah rah.

Lunchtime came quickly and instead of leaving, we found ourselves scrambling to change our flights. We were supposed to be flying to Japan the next morning but we were riveted by what we were learning.

There’s something magical that occurs when a group of hungry, passionate, outside the box thinkers come together. People doing things in life. Big things. Ideas shared spark more ideas. Endless possibility fills the air. Legacy, value, contribution, courage, inspiration, thumps within my mind.

Moonshot Thinking. I feel alive. Inspired. Ready to create. What would my life look like if I grow by 10x this year? It is my 50th after all. My greatest year yet.

For two days Roger pours out concepts and ideas that have both Richard and I engaged in deep creative conversation. He shares stats and clips of where the world trends are heading. As we move into 2020, entrepreneurs are the wave of the future.

“The worlds problems will be solved by entrepreneurs.” I am an entrepreneur. I AM a part of the solution. How can I NOT feel on fire!

Meet Roger

We hear from leader after leader about start ups that have been launched. Brilliant, innovative ideas. Health dynamics 360, Block chain and Crypto, Genius U, Wealth Strategies, Impact Investing, Genius School, and on and on and on.

There’s one gentleman in particular whose energy is magnetic. Paul Dunn. He shares about a program called B1G1. A program to create maximum impact giving in a meaning driven world. More and more rocket fuel of amazing brilliance. I feel like I could explode.

Meet Paul

For the past 2 days we have discussed the idea of being in flow; when things just work. You know that feeling right?

For the most part, our entire journey has been full of flow. But what struck me today as we headed home was a new truth.

This journey has not been about my birthday after all. It’s been about leading me right here to this collaborative community. Moving me into my true flow.
I declared as I set out on this “birthday” trip, these 50 days would be my greatest days alive. By declaring this, the universe handed me my true gift. A new community, a bigger vision to be a part of, discovering and stepping into my highest potential.

It’s not just about these 50 days. It’s about my entire life.

I know the world is waiting on me and I have big plans to offer.
As do you. The question for you is what level are you currently playing? How are you contributing? And most importantly, are you living in your sweet spot of passion, sharing your true gifts, and adding to the solutions so desperately needed? If not, THERE IS A WAY. Anything is possible for you. You just have to take the first step.

We head to Japan in the morning with a new sense of purpose and passion. Looking forward to what shows up next.

Cheers to being Fifty, Fit, and Fabulous!

