Day 13: It’s All In The Vision

Kimmy Brooke
Fifty, Fit and Fabulous
3 min readFeb 17, 2018

Vision. We teach it every day. The story we tell ourselves. Does this story serve us? How to change it if it doesn't. How to live and stay steeped in our new, compelling words.

Richard even did a Face Book Live on the power of your words this morning.

And yet, as I sat today in the middle of the Indian Ocean, I realized that as much as I love love love to surf, I completely lack vision around it.
It hit me like a ton of bricks. It seems absurd that I could lack vision around something I am so passionate about.

Born into a family of water rats, I was swimming before I was walking.
Swim team, springboard diving, canoe paddling, surfing. I’ve done it all, for all my life.

When KC, my coach said, “It’s all in the vision and what you tell yourself” I had one of those moments. Yup. Defining for certain.

I’ve been surfing from fear vs joy.

If only you could hear my chatter

Fearful of getting drilled by the waves. Fearful of getting pitched. Fearful of being held under too long. Fearful Fearful Fearful. Wow. Talk about a breakthrough moment. Guess it’s time to practice what I preach. Time to write my own new story.

I think about the hours, days, years, this worry and fear totals up to over my life. I’m surprised it hasn’t paralyzed me and stopped me from doing one of my most favorite things. But it’s absolutely held me back. Big time.

It’s always great to sit on the other side. The other side of what I teach.
To truly live it myself and implement what I strongly believe;
Our thoughts create our reality.

Super MLM Woman hear me roar!

Today had me thinking about you; those who are following this journey with me. I wondered how many of you are living from fear in something you’re equally as passionate about? Where do you find yourself being held back from your true brilliance? I’m certain I’m not alone. What if together we decide to write a new story. A story of power, confidence, success.

Tomorrow as I paddle out my mantra will be “Up and riding with courage and ease.” The moment my fear creeps in, I will chant this to myself and visualize a seamless ride. What about you? What words can you create to move you into a new place of being your most amazing self?

I’m so inspired by RB. He has a crystal clear vision of his surfing. Day 2 and he has NO FEAR! He caught some great rides and will no doubt be a pro by the time we say goodbye to this special place.


Today was a gift. With every breakthrough, my better self emerges.
Feeling grateful as the sun goes down in Kuda Huraa.

And Happy Birthday Daddy. Thank you for giving me my life and my love for the water. I love you.

Cheers to being Fifty, Fit, and Fabulous!

