Durians Daily #265: Bukalapak acquires itemku to increase access to video games; Pomelo reveals new B2B service to help other fashion retailers; Shohoz puts doctors & medicines on its app

500 Southeast Asia
500 Southeast Asia
Published in
4 min readJun 2, 2021
Credit: Igor Karimov on Unsplash

Leveling up

  • In response to the growth of the gaming industry in Indonesia, 500-backed e-commerce startup Bukalapak has partnered with another 500-backed startup, itemku, an Indonesian-based online marketplace catered to the gaming industry.
  • Following this announcement, Managing Partner of 500 Startups Khailee Ng confirmed that Bukalapak has acquired itemku.
  • Both companies will work closely in creating greater access to video games for Indonesians, including distribution of products from itemku to gaming customers who are in the country’s rural areas.
  • In addition, they will develop new projects in the near future together.
  • Read the full article on MARKETECH APAC here.
Credit: Forbes Thailand

An ace up the sleeve

  • 500-backed fashion startup Pomelo plans to launch its own business-to-business (B2B) unit, Prism. The startup will offer services like demand planning and logistics for other fashion and lifestyle brands through this unit.
  • According to co-founder and CEO David Jou, this move comes to boost revenue as physical store sales and traffic has dropped, while e-commerce remains strong.
  • Its B2B service has drawn brands like Levi’s as customers.
  • Pomelo plans to add 44 more physical stores on top of its 25 existing locations. It is also experimenting with having customers try on clothes at home in a partnership with ride-hailer Grab, another 500-backed startup.
  • Read the full article on Reuters here.
Credit: The Daily Star

Doctors on call

  • Shohoz Health, a digital healthcare service by 500-backed super app Shohoz, was launched in the midst of the pandemic last year. It aims to bring physicians online to help people gain access to specialist doctors and medication.
  • Citing data by the World Health Organization, the article revealed that the current doctor-patient ratio in Bangladesh is only 5.26 per 10,000 persons, which places the country at the second bottom position in South Asia.
  • The startup claims to have over 150 medical specialists on its app who can be accessed through video conferencing from any part of the country.
  • The service also allows users to receive prescriptions along with medicine delivery from different local pharmacies.
  • Read the full feature on Dhaka Tribune here.

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500 Southeast Asia
500 Southeast Asia

500 Southeast Asia is an early-stage VC firm; The company has backed over 250 companies across multiple sectors from internet to consumer to deep technology.