Monday: 1972

Scribble and Scran
Published in
2 min readDec 5, 2022
The Mighty: The Knife, the Pen, the Fork and the Keyboard

Monday and time to press the reset button again, 13 hours since posting my first Medium post and nothing. All sorts of doubts and irritations enter my head. Deep down I knew it would be the case, who is this newbie anyway and really what value is he adding into to the world by documenting a count down to fifty in fifty days. I curse the Clear with his Thursday words of wisdom!

That said it’s taken me a long long time to post that first article, to cut through the initial stages of choosing a publication name, creating the avatar, backdrop and logo. The resistance buried so deep that I needed to get it perfect. I made a step, I put the shoes by the front door and posted that intention.

There’s been a number of ideas rumbling around my head, on the theme of Fifty. A yearly count down, introduced day by day increasing a year at a time to the here and now.

Barely a twinkle in my parents eye. I discover it’s the year the Godfather came out. Wow it’s 50 years old. The whole trilogy has been on our must watch list for a long time I thought it was an eighties movie not an early seventies movie. We’ve just never got to it. I’m frustrated to see I missed it at the cinema as it did a re-run at the start of the year.

The Olympics were held in Munich which I’m saddened to read that there was a terrorist incident. The start of the Watergate scandal, something I add to my list to learn more about. Then I’m amazed to find that the NASA Space shuttle program got the go ahead. I shouldn’t have been surprised that it would take that long to get organised to actually build a re-usable space craft. Something we’ll come back to through the years I’m sure. There are so many songs in the charts that I recognise, I end up jumping over to Spotify and create a 1972 play list. Listen to the Music by The Doobie Brothers. It’s a fairly relaxing mix if your interested:

I wrote about my health, the food and the weekend on a rough draft and I’m not sure whether it should go here or is it more a WordPress thing?

