Critique of our life scenario using Jim Dator’s Futures


Deniz Sokullu
51–371 Dexign Futures
2 min readOct 9, 2016


After nailing down a job in a large firm called Foogle, I end up working many hours a week to get the insane amount of work received by Foogle due to the increasing number of new projects and designs. After several years, I marry a person I want to live forever with, and start getting promoted within the chain of the design part of the company. I start getting a better pay for the next 10 years and around age 40–45, I quit the job and decide to make my own company that specializes in what I do. Since there is constant growth, my company stays on the positive side of the economy until my old ages, where I will be spending in my summer resort in “____” island.


Assuming that I am in future where I take a not-so professional practice of design, I end up designing freelance and working with small business owners around the town. But since the economy collapses around me, I start to get less and less freelance offers and decide to drop out of the business and try to find a job in a larger company that is struggling but at least less than I do as a freelancer. But after the need for design is minimized through budget cuts of many people, I find myself retired really early and doing minimal pay jobs around the city. I even decide to move to another country to find a job in what I was always trying to do.


After the government starting to change its discipline policies, I realize that my job isn’t achieving what it’s supposed to be. I quit my job and get hired by the government to do discipline design. We design utterly horrible infographics and posters to scare people into discipline and I soon realize that this is not the job I want. Later on I decide to move to another country but this also comes with it’s challenges, since I was working for the terrible government, I cannot find a company that wants me for a long time, thinking that I will try to implement what I did for the government.


After SpaceY launches their first shuttle to Mars, I decide on moving to Mars with my family. I quit my well-paying job here and decide to work for the Martian Government as a Public Designer. I start designing signs that would only exist for Mars, and work with the civil planning team to figure what would be the best for people in Mars. I later on become a famous designer called the “Mars Designer” and I live the rest of my life in Mars, helping the people feel like they are home.

