Critique of the Masdar Scenario

Deniz Sokullu
51–371 Dexign Futures
2 min readSep 9, 2016

When I finalized my Masdar scenario, I implemented a topic that had no racial or economic discrimination. However, the way I sketched the transportation system of underground Masdar, I realized that I had cut off mostly all interactions with other human beings. This could be interpreted by Jamais Cascio as a poor way of describing the system of transportation.

For example, what if people decided to use this bad ways like jumping into someone else’s car to get a free ride or holding onto the car to skateboard, or trying to sell products in the cars. I never explained any side consequence of the transportation system, and now that I’ve watched Jamais’ video, I think that there is much to change in the way I interpreted a description of the future.

I could have also shown what could go wrong in a system like this to prepare the users. For example, getting stuck in one of these cabins could be a problem people might want to tackle. So the cabins would have emergency exits that open up with physical power and save the user’s life. And what if someone gets a heart attack while riding this system? Who would take care of it? This means that there would be a group of people monitoring the people who ride the cars to make sure that they are safe.

All these things that I haven’t mentioned in my sketches can now make things much clearer from Jamais’ perspective. I also did not mention any branding of any sort in the sketches which has improved the importance of the system rather than its components. I will make sure that I think of a better scenario in the upcoming projects for this class thanks to Jamais.

